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[[小语种资源]] 第六期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-17 13:18:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-3-2 16:15:55 | 显示全部楼层
In my opinion playing fireworks should not be banned by law,but it could be well introduce.Playing fireworks has been an essential entertainment in traditional China when
Festival Spring comes.Being a boy, I know how much funny it bestowed, it is the happiest time in the Festvial.the most important thing we should do is to avoid the damage and the pollution ,which the fireworks bring to us. And there are lots of things we should to do before playing fireworks.such as learning to play more safely,choosing a suitable place while playing.
In a word,play fireworks should not be banned and we should be sensesable.

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翼以亿 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-3-3 12:15:47 | 显示全部楼层
In my country (Malaysia), firecracker is banned, but not firework. The reason my government banned firecracker is that it has caused a lot of injuries, especially in kids. Some lost their fingers, some, blinded. Maybe you are wondering, is firecracker that powerful? Yes! Because many kids like to make their own, and most of the time what they have made are much stronger than those you can get from the market.  The government only allow certain  organizations to light firecracker during the Spring Festival.

However, small-scale firework is not banned because it is not as harmful as firecracker. If you want to play the big ones, you'll have to get permission from the local government.

I strong agree that we should ban firecracker! How many kids were harmed by it? Think about the the kids! Does "having fun" worth it?

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-3 17:38:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-3-9 09:41:16 | 显示全部楼层
In China, for a long time, playing fireworks means celebrating, joy and happiness. And it is an important Chinese custom. During the Spring Festival and any other auspicious occassions , firework is played to express our happiness and our hope of  the future. Firework was first Played in China in the Tang Dynasty over 2000 years ago. It was first played to expel ghost and evil. A interesting legend goes that a four-horned monster called Shan Sao and some other ghosts hiding in mountains came out to harm human beings and their livestock every 365 days. However, they were afraid of noise and light. People therefore played fireworks to drive away Shan Sao and evil spirits at the end of one year and the beginning of a year.

  Thus,considering the importance of our nation's cultural heritage,everyone has the duty to protect it.So,in my view,we don't need to ban this action. Although playing fireworks is dangerous in some areas. But if we playing fireworks in some special districts and always keep our eyes on the ball,it doesn't affect our wealth and  our life is also very safe.Some people,however,hold the opinion that we should cancel the custom of playing firework and find other ways to celebrate the festival.But whatever other ways we can to find to replace this tradition?And in other words,even though we make great efforts to find one or two ways,these will have the same meanings as playing fireworks ?It's disturbing to think that when the spring festival is coming ,but we can't listen the joyful voice of fireworks.

So,please don't command us not to playing fireworks.

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发表于 2006-3-9 09:46:09 | 显示全部楼层
但是在http://www.readfree.net/bbs/htm_data/27/0507/76067.html 帖的『辩论练习』活动

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发表于 2006-4-3 21:56:21 | 显示全部楼层
First, It is unacceptable to ban Fireworks and Firecracker during the Spring Festival. As we all know, Setting off Fireworks and Firecracker on the eve of the lunar New Year is an age-old Chinese tradition, which is supposed to drive away evil ghosts and bring good luck. It is an undeniable fact that many believe New Year and Spring Festival lose their flavor without Fireworks and Firecracker. When the clock struck midnight ending the old year and starting the new, we fire the Fireworks and Firecracker to celebrate the festival--both for the things past and the things incoming, it’s a happy time for every Chinese, and it’s not easy for the people who have been working hard for a whole year, especially for the mass number of farmer. Therefore, ban Fireworks and Firecracker are unacceptable to people.
Second, It is not necessary to ban them, although fire them will cause pollution and may lead to fire ,explorations and other injuries to lives and things, the loss, compared with which caused by traffic accidents ,crime ,and the pollution due to some factories, transport tools, is very small. To some intent, we can say that we can accept the loss.
  In conclusion, Fireworks and Firecracker should not be banned.

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发表于 2006-4-3 21:58:23 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-4-3 22:41:55 | 显示全部楼层
I would like to argue travis utilitarian point of view about the use of fireworks. If I haven't misinterpreted what he wrote he dismisses the use of fireworks based on three utilitarian claims.

The first claim is that the use of fireworks doesn't accommodate to the maximization utility since there are better things to do with the materials used in making fireworks. One might ask what things are better things to do and which is the criteria, if there is one, to judge it. Unfortunately, travis didn't provide us neither with an example nor with a criteria, so I found he is assuming the point without argumentation. Maybe rocket launchers and bombs are better things to do with the materials used in fireworks (of course they aren’t but I’m just trying to make my point).

Second claim is that the utilitarian point of view to decide whether is a good thing to use fireworks or not, is the maximization of the total utility of Chinese people. Travis argues that from his experience there are many people like him who doesn't like fireworks. Nevertheless, if you are a coherent utilitarian it's difficult to defend the minorities’ opinions. If you believe there's a majority of people who doesn't like fireworks you should make a survey to prove it. However the survey should be global since the total utility you might want to maximize is the human kind's utility. I find this unpractical and thus the point of view of the utilitarian not suitable.

Finally, travis uses Mill's principle of harm to defend his position against fireworks. I think he is right doing so, but I believe he derives stronger conclusions than he is allowed to. His thesis is that if fireworks harm other people they should be banned. But I find that Mill's harm principle only entitles to say that if fireworks harm other people that harm should be stopped. A way to stop harming other people with fireworks is with stronger regulations about the manufacturing. In relation with the noise, I agree with travis that fireworks should be banned in certain areas but not everywhere.

Best regards to travis, it's been a pleasure to argue with him.

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发表于 2006-4-4 08:20:53 | 显示全部楼层
I was born in a small village and when the spring festivals drew to a corner, I can hear the "crack,crack" sounds of fireworks. At that time, the atmosphere of festival is so heated and sometimes I feel loney beacuse I stay in city now.
The noisy traffics and man-made cracks of "fireworks" always disturb me from work. when I get out. I just from all the sounds are not used to be.
so i miss the old days and also many of you must have the fireworks besides you when festival. But now, A kind of farness away from the heated festival atmosphere is haunting our mind.

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