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[【政法哲学类】] 英文版《秘密原则:科学、宗教与哲学之综合》下载

发表于 2006-6-23 23:40:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The Secret Doctrine : The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy (Volumes 1 and 2)

ISBN: 1557000026
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Theosophical University PR
Edition: Reprint edition (December, 1999)
Paperback: pages

URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F1557000026


1897. This rare third volume of the Secret Doctrine (virtually impossible to find) completes the papers left by H. P. B. It is a complete course on Occultism! Nothing is left out. Almost 100 chapters. Partial contents: One Key to all Sacred Books; The ABC of Magic; Chaldean Oracles; The Book of Hermes; Three Ways Open to the Adept; Names are Symbols; Characters of the Bible; The Book of Enoch; Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines; Numbers and Magic; Occult Weapons; The Duty of the True Occultist; Two Eternal Principles; St. Paul the real founder of Christianity; Apollonius no Fiction; Biographies of Initiates; Kabalistic Readings of Gospels; Magic in Antioch; The Septenary Sephira; Seven Keys to all Allegories; The Mystery of the Sun; Magical Statutes; Masonry and Jesuits; Mysteries and Masonry; Egyptian Initiation; Root of Races; Celestial Wheels; Christian Star Worship; Defense of Astrology; The Seven Rays; Secret Books; Tibetan Prophecies; Swedenborg; Occult Secrecy; and much more! Blavatsky was an occult master. If you are a serious mystical student, you'll need this rare and illuminating book

Theosophical University Press Online Edition
The Secret Doctrine

By H. P. Blavatsky


Blavatsky's masterwork on theosophy, covering cosmic, planetary, and human evolution, as well as science, religion, and mythology. Based on the Stanzas of Dzyan, with corroborating testimony from over 1,200 sources.

Originally published 1888. Theosophical University Press electronic version ISBN 1-55700-124-3 (print version also available). Due to current limitations in the ASCII character set, and for easy in searching, no diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text.

This edition was corrected against the facsimile edition of 1888. Obvious errors, such as missing letters, have been corrected; otherwise it follows the facsimile edition -- material not appearing there appears in double brackets [[ ]]. Hebrew characters are inserted as illustrations, but Greek text has been transliterated into italic Latin characters in double brackets. For further explanation of the conventions used, go to the Notes file.

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