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[[小语种资源]] 一个同事求我翻译的稿子,大家来议一下,这个稿子让我很不舒服

发表于 2006-8-2 14:40:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘 要
关键词:绿化草坪  养护管理
Shenyang green lawn areas commonly used for the conservation management
Commonly used conservation management for the green lawn area of Shenyang
Abstract: The task of conserving and managing the green lawn area becomes more and more difficult along with the continuous rising of forestation level and the increase of the size of green lawn area of Shenyang. The conservation and management for the green lawn area would enable it sustainable in service. The reasonable and effective management should be put in force to ensure the fully exertion of the ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. The method of shaping, fertilizing, irrigation, the prevention toward pests, disease and weeds and assistant conservation that suitable for the green lawn area has been concluded through learning and practicing.
Key words: the green lawn area, the conservation and managment

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发表于 2006-8-2 16:17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Maintenance Management of Common Greening Lawn in Shenyang City

Abstract: Along with the unceasing improvement of afforestation level, the area of greening lawn has been enlarging widely and rapidly in Shenyang City, however, it is more and more difficult to maintain the management of greening lawn. It is true that a fine maintenance management should guarantee a sustainable utilization of greening lawn. Only under the condition of scientific and effective management can be able to achieve the goal that the full display of ecology benefit, economic profit and social efficiency of greening lawn will come true. Through studied and practiced the professional knowledge in this field, I summarized a general method for maintenance management of greening lawn suitable to Shenyang City, including how to prune, apply fertilizers, water, control pests and kill weeds and subsidiary maintenance.
Key Words: greening lawn; maintenance management



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-3 09:32:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-3 09:53:07 | 显示全部楼层






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发表于 2006-8-3 11:07:55 | 显示全部楼层

【1】Shenyang green lawn areas commonly used for the conservation management. 主语不对。从中文修饰关系看,主语应该是“养护管理”。

【2】Commonly used conservation management for the green lawn area of Shenyang 主语对了。个人认为中文标题中的“常用”应该是“公用”的意思。用common 修饰 lawn,如果“常用”是修饰“养护管理”的话,中文标题应改为:沈阳地区绿化草坪的常用养护管理。或者改为:沈阳公用绿化草坪的养护管理。还有“养护管理”的术语应该是:maintenance management。本句可改为:Maintenance Management of Common Greening Lawn in Shenyang City。标题一般是名词结构的短语。

【3】The task of conserving and managing the green lawn area becomes more and more difficult along with the continuous rising of forestation level and the increase of the size of green lawn area of Shenyang. “随着…..”的状语一般是放在句首,除非主句比较短,放在前面看起来不对称的时候可以放在句尾。文中的increase作名词的比较少,多数情况下是动词用,可以改为动名词increasing,也与rising 形式一致。“conserving and managing”有点重复罗嗦。管理中是包括保护,养护等方面的。所以单独用managing 就可以了。本句可改为:Along with the continuous rising of forestation level and increasing of the size of green lawn of Shenyang City.

【4】The conservation and management for the green lawn area would enable it sustainable in service. 本句的语态Would 是虚拟语气,但个人认为“养护管理是草坪可持续利用的保证”这是一个事实,也可以是某些专家已经证明的真理。It也指代不明,是指代“养护管理”还是“草坪”不清楚。可以用This management指代前文的那种养护管理,起到承前的作用。本句可以改为:This management can enable the green lawn to be sustainable in service. 可适当加上In fact 等,读起来更有说服力。

【5】The reasonable and effective management should be put in force to ensure the fully exertion of the ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. 文中reasonable 是“合理的,适当的,正当的”意思,一般指符合道德规范,明智的做法,符合客观事实的感觉。没有“科学的”含义。应该为:scientific,exertion是名词,副词fully不能修饰,要改为full.句末最后加上from green lawn,表明效益来源于绿化草坪。ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. Benefits 用多次有点罗嗦,可以改为其他同义词或近义词如 profit, efficiency, advantage等等。或者只用一次。本句可改为:The scientific and effective management should be put in force to ensure the full exertion of the ecological, economic and social benefits from green lawn. 或者 The scientific and effective management should be put in force to ensure the full exertion of the ecological benefit, economic profit and social efficiency from green lawn. 或者应用“只有….才能实现”的句型,则改为:Only under the condition of scientific and effective management can be able to achieve the goal that the full display of ecology benefit, economic profit and social efficiency from greening lawn will come true.

【6】The method of shaping, fertilizing, irrigation, the prevention toward pests, disease and weeds and assistant conservation that suitable for the greenlawn area has been concluded through learning and practicing. “病虫害防治”专业术语用:pest control. “杂草防除”用kill weeds. 个人认为主语应该是本文的作者。用被动语态的话,句尾的through learning and practicing 就不对了。还有两个动词learn 与practice 解释为“学习与实践”时是及物动词,须加宾语。本句可改为:Through studied and practiced the professional knowledge in this field, I summarized a general method for maintenance management of greening lawn suitable to Shenyang City, including how to prune, apply fertilizers, water, control pests and how to kill weeds and subsidiary maintenance.

【7】Key words: the green lawn area, the conservation and management 关键词一般是主题词,个人认为应该改为 greening lawn, maintenance management. 况且关键词中都是用实词,很少用冠词及介词,还要求简洁。


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-4 10:35:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-4 13:27:17 | 显示全部楼层
The task of conserving and managing the green lawn area becomes more and more difficult along with the continuous rising of forestation level and the increase of the size of green lawn area of Shenyang.

along with不如with简洁,而且貌似along with=in addtion to, as well as之类的

The conservation and management for the green lawn area would enable it sustainable in service.

enable 可以考虑改为assure guarantee之类的

The method of shaping, fertilizing, irrigation, the prevention toward pests, disease and weeds and assistant conservation that suitable for the greenlawn area has been concluded through learning and practicing.

that suitable for the greenlawn area 这个修饰结构不对

The reasonable and effective management should be put in force to ensure the fully exertion of the ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits.

put in force不如 employ常用

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发表于 2006-8-8 06:08:16 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼canway20082006-08-03 11:07发表的“”:



【1】Shenyang green lawn areas commonly used for the conservation management. 主语不对。从中文修饰关系看,主语应该是“养护管理”。

【2】Commonly used conservation management for the green lawn area of Shenyang 主语对了。个人认为中文标题中的“常用”应该是“公用”的意思。用common 修饰 lawn,如果“常用”是修饰“养护管理”的话,中文标题应改为:沈阳地区绿化草坪的常用养护管理。或者改为:沈阳公用绿化草坪的养护管理。还有“养护管理”的术语应该是:maintenance management。本句可改为:Maintenance Management of Common Greening Lawn in Shenyang City。标题一般是名词结构的短语。

   养护管理,这是论文中常见的中国特色的缩略词汇,翻译过来应该是 “养护 和 管理”。所以应该是 The mantainance and Management of ....

   常用,这个词没错,不是公用,但是常用不太好直译,其意思不外乎是主要的,最多的,通常的,依照这个翻译就容易一些:primary, usual, most used....

   绿化,这个词翻译得很恶心。可以用planting 或者 landscaping....

【3】The task of conserving and managing the green lawn area becomes more and more difficult along with the continuous rising of forestation level and the increase of the size of green lawn area of Shenyang. “随着…..”的状语一般是放在句首,除非主句比较短,放在前面看起来不对称的时候可以放在句尾。文中的increase作名词的比较少,多数情况下是动词用,可以改为动名词increasing,也与rising 形式一致。“conserving and managing”有点重复罗嗦。管理中是包括保护,养护等方面的。所以单独用managing 就可以了。本句可改为:Along with the continuous rising of forestation level and increasing of the size of green lawn of Shenyang City.

我假设这句话结构是 随着A, B, C。那么是随着A和B,导致了C呢?还是随着A, 导致了B和C呢?中文都糊里糊涂。。。。作者先修改这个再说。

   另外水平这个词实在又是中国特色的东西,一般说improve, 或者level up,  翻译成英语,这个水平经常是其他的含义。

【4】The conservation and management for the green lawn area would enable it sustainable in service. 本句的语态Would 是虚拟语气,但个人认为“养护管理是草坪可持续利用的保证”这是一个事实,也可以是某些专家已经证明的真理。It也指代不明,是指代“养护管理”还是“草坪”不清楚。可以用This management指代前文的那种养护管理,起到承前的作用。本句可以改为:This management can enable the green lawn to be sustainable in service. 可适当加上In fact 等,读起来更有说服力。

   句子的意思改变了。 A是B的保证,并不是A能够导致B. 一个是充分条件,一个是必要条件。比如说稳定是发展的保证,只是说有了稳定才能保证发展,但是只有稳定能不能发展呢?没表达这个意思。翻译失败。

【5】The reasonable and effective management should be put in force to ensure the fully exertion of the ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. 文中reasonable 是“合理的,适当的,正当的”意思,一般指符合道德规范,明智的做法,符合客观事实的感觉。没有“科学的”含义。应该为:scientific,exertion是名词,副词fully不能修饰,要改为full.句末最后加上from green lawn,表明效益来源于绿化草坪。ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. Benefits 用多次有点罗嗦,可以改为其他同义词或近义词如 profit, efficiency, advantage等等。或者只用一次。本句可改为:The scientific and effective management should be put in force to ensure the full exertion of the ecological, economic and social benefits from green lawn. 或者 The scientific and effective management should be put in force to ensure the full exertion of the ecological benefit, economic profit and social efficiency from green lawn. 或者应用“只有….才能实现”的句型,则改为:Only under the condition of scientific and effective management can be able to achieve the goal that the full display of ecology benefit, economic profit and social efficiency from greening lawn will come true.

   Only..句型很不错,不过这句生硬,可以改成 Only with scientifc ......management, the benifit/profit/efficency of ...... can be fully exploited.

【6】The method of shaping, fertilizing, irrigation, the prevention toward pests, disease and weeds and assistant conservation that suitable for the greenlawn area has been concluded through learning and practicing. “病虫害防治”专业术语用:pest control. “杂草防除”用kill weeds. 个人认为主语应该是本文的作者。用被动语态的话,句尾的through learning and practicing 就不对了。还有两个动词learn 与practice 解释为“学习与实践”时是及物动词,须加宾语。本句可改为:Through studied and practiced the professional knowledge in this field, I summarized a general method for maintenance management of greening lawn suitable to Shenyang City, including how to prune, apply fertilizers, water, control pests and how to kill weeds and subsidiary maintenance.

  论文摘要不用I做主语,可用this paper。
  Based on research(别说学习,就research好了) and practice, this paper 总结了 the method of pruning, ferilizing, watering, pest controlling and weeds killing that are feasible in xxxxxxx of Shenyang area.

【7】Key words: the green lawn area, the conservation and management 关键词一般是主题词,个人认为应该改为 greening lawn, maintenance management. 况且关键词中都是用实词,很少用冠词及介词,还要求简洁。


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发表于 2006-8-8 09:32:20 | 显示全部楼层
引用第7楼neotsu2006-08-08 06:08发表的“”:




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发表于 2006-8-8 21:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
引用第8楼canway20082006-08-08 09:32发表的“”:




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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-11 18:54:48 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-15 11:51:15 | 显示全部楼层

1。绿化草坪  建议译成:lawn
  其实在英文里,lawn 本身就是“草地,草坪”的意思,无需再用 green 来重复修饰。

2。养护管理  建议译成:maintenance
   maintenance:activity involved in maintaining something in good working order  “养护管理”的核心是“养护”,不是“管理”(management)。

3。效益  建议:benefit
  从语言习惯来看,benefit 最能体现出“效益”的涵义。原文译法正确。

4。充分发挥  建议译成:bring into full play
  看一下exertion: use of physical or mental energy,重在“运用”、“利用”。而“发挥效益”本义是“产生效益”,因此应为 bring benefits into full play.

5。养护管理是草坪可持续利用的保证  建议译成:The maintenance guarantees the sustainable utilization of lawn.
6。总结方法  建议译为:sum up
  neotsu朋友分析的很有道理。考虑到本文很可能是首先对已有方法进行介绍,然后加以总结,因此选用 sum up 更能表达作者的原义。

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