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[【外语类】] 转贴高山杉评裴文:“学术女超人”原来是“书皮党人”

发表于 2010-3-14 10:14:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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2010-3-14 2:20:10







  中国语言学界生育能力特强,“学术超人”特多。南京大学大学外语部的裴文教授,应该算是其中一位“女超人”了。打上世纪末以来,她刊行了大约十四种作品,包括散文集两部:《感觉哈佛女人》(1999)和《剑桥悠然间》(2006);译著两部:索绪尔《普通语言学教程》(2002)和巴依《语言与生命》(2006);专著十部:《现代英语语体学》(1998)、《现代英语语境学》(2000)、Semantics of Modern English(2001)、《索绪尔:本真状态及其张力》(2003)、《中国研究生英语教学导论》(2005)、《普通语言学》(2006)、《语言时空论》(中、英文版,2006)、《梵语通论》(2007)、《剑桥语言学笔记》(2008)、《语言性范畴》(2009),平均每年1.17本。替她出版这些巨著的,有商务印书馆、人民出版社、东方出版社、广东教育出版社、南京大学出版社这样的名牌机构。裴教授的面子真是相当大呀!

  商务印书馆出版的《索绪尔:本真状态及其张力》,却遭北京师范大学文学院语言学与应用语言学研究所王庆先生痛批(《评裴文著〈索绪尔:本真状态及其张力〉》,《学术界》2008年3月第2期,第89-99页)。人民出版社出版的《梵语通论》,也被豆瓣网友philplus指出犯有很多错误,部分内容甚至被质疑是抄译自印度学者M. Srimannarayana Murti的《梵语语言学导论》(An Introduction to Sanskrit Linguistics:Comparative and Historical, 1984)。其实,裴教授这本《梵语通论》还从法国印度学家Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat《梵语通诠》的英译本(The Sanskrit Language: An Overview,Varanasi: Indica Books,2000)扒拉过来不少东西。Murti和Filliozat两书,裴教授在她前年刊行的《剑桥语言学笔记》中都有介绍(第80-81、103-104页)。这本《笔记》分五十七章,介绍了五十七种内容艰深的语言学专著。像我们这种外文能力先天不足的人,一年看一本已经大不易了,可人家裴教授在2004年到2005年“剑桥悠然间”,竟然十分潇洒地全部搞定了。在当今衰败凋零的中国学术界,裴教授这种学术功力显得十分突出,难道说她就是传说中的学术大家?




  2.卡罗尔·桑德斯(Carol Sanders)编《剑桥索绪尔指南》(The Cambridge Companion to Saussure, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004),《笔记》第7-11页:

  费迪南·德·索绪尔被尊为现代语言学和结构主义奠基人(Ferdinand de Saussure is widely considered to be the founder of both modern linguistics and structuralism)。他首先创立了语言的结构研究,指认了语言系统(语言)与个人话语(言语)之间的区别,区分了共时语言研究和历时语言研究(The first to establish the structural study of language, he identified the difference between the system of language['Langue']and the speech of individuals[&#39arole'],and was first to distinguish between the'synchronic'study of language[language at a given time],and the'diachronic'[language as it changes through time])。这部指南由当前索绪尔研究领域的重要学者参与编著(This Companion brings together a team of leading scholars to offer a fresh new account of Saussure's work)。他们主要依据《普通语言学教程》(1916),同时关注索绪尔早期的论文以及遗留的手稿,重新解读索绪尔的语言学思想,并对索绪尔在文化研究、哲学、文学以及符号学领域的贡献进行了深入的分析(As well as looking at his pioneering and renowned Course in General Linguistics of 1916, they consider his lesser-known early work, his more recently discovered manuscripts, and his influence on a range of other disciplines, such as cultural studies, philosophy, literature and semiotics)。



  12、乔治·安东·凯拉兹(George Anton Kiraz)著《非线性计算形态学》(Computational Nonlinear Morphology with Emphasis on Semitic Languages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001),《笔记》第50-52页:

  自20世纪70年代后期,语音学家和形态学家都逐步开始对语音和语形进行非线性的描写(By the late 1970s, phonologists,and later morphologists, had departed from a linear approach for describing morphophonological operations to a nonlinear one)。然而,计算的过程仍然采用线性模式(Computational models, however, remain faithful to the linear model...)。这部著作旨在提供一个计算系统,以闪语族语言为基础,提供详尽的语音和语形的计算分析(Computational Nonlinear Morphology aims at presenting a computational system that counters the development in linguistics. It provides a detailed computational analysis of the complex morphophonological phenomena found in Semitic languages that is based on linguistically motivated models)。对词根、中缀、环缀以及其他在闪语族语言出现的复杂派生形式,如断裂式复数进行了全面而深入的计算分析和计算解释(The book outlines a new generalized regular rewrite rule system that uses multitape finite-state automata to cater for root-and-pattern morphology, infixation, circumfixation and other complex operations such as the broken plural derivation problem found in Arabic and Ethiopic)。

  26、岩·罗伯茨(Ian Roberts)和安娜·罗叟(Anna Roussou)著《句法变化:语法化微观研究》(Syntactic Change: A Minimalist Approach to Grammaticalization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003),《笔记》第99-100页:  

  近年来,语法化现象引起语言学研究者的深切关注(The phenomenon of grammaticalization-the historical process whereby new grammatical material is created-has attracted a great deal of attention within linguistics)。但是,一直没有人提出一个句法形式理论来解释语法化的一般现象(However, until now no attempt has been made to provide a general account of this phenomenon in terms of a formal theory of syntax)。……借助乔姆斯基的微观分析程序,岩·罗伯茨和安娜·罗叟提出一系列重要的理论问题,追问功能范畴的本质和参数形式的本质,同时关注两者与语言变化之间的关系,构建了语法化一般性解释理论(Using Chomsky's Minimalist Programme for linguistic theory, Roberts and Roussou show how this approach gives rise to a number of important and conceptual and theoretical issues concerning the nature of functional categories and the form of parameters, as well as the relation of both of these to language change. …they construct a general account of grammaticalization…)。



  20、皮埃尔-塞尔温·费里奥扎(Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat)著《梵语语言:概述》(The Sanskrit Language: An Overview,Varanasi: Indica Books,2000),《笔记》第80-81页:

  在印欧语系语言中,梵语古老而稳定(In the Indian branch of the Indo-European family of languages, Sanskrit is unique by its antiquity and stability)。它拥有四千年的历史(It has remained a living language over four milleniums),是文化和智力的强有力的工具,是博学者的语言。它曾经通行整个印度次大陆的各个地区,是当时的外交语言,是宗教教育和礼仪的语言,同时又是科学、技术知识的媒介(Thus Sanskrit has always been a powerful instrument of culture and intellectual creation. It has been the learned language of pandits, a link language between the diverse regions of the entire Indian subcontinent, the medium of all scientific and technical knowledge, a language of religious teaching and practice)。



  48.斯蒂芬·艾沃森(Stephen Everson)编《语言》(Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994),《笔记》第232-234页:

  这部著作是《古代思想指南》系列中的第三本……这本书研究古代语言理论,内容涉及800多年以来的哲学追问——语言是如何获得意义的?我们又是如何获得语言理解的?本书对主要的解释和论述做出分析和批评(This third Companion to Ancient Thought is devoted to ancient theories of language.The chapters range over more than eight hundred years of philosophical enquiry, and provide critical analyses of all the principal accounts of how it is that language can have meaning and how we can come to acquire linguistic understanding)。讨论首先从柏拉图的《克拉底鲁篇》(Cratylus)中的自然主义开始,到希腊学派(Hellenistic School)复杂理论以及圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)的论著(The discussions move from the naturalism examined in Plato's Cratylus to the sophisticated theories of the Hellenistic schools and the work of St.Augustine)。同时探讨了语言思想与形而上学、心灵哲学以及语法的发展之间的相互关系(The relations between thought about language and metaphysics, philosophy of mind and the development of grammar are also explored)。

  ……这里所收录的论文对古典哲学、语言哲学、语言思想史等方面的研究大有裨益(These essays will interest those studying ancient philosophy and philosophy of language,the history of thought about language,and linguistics)。

  53.萨奥班·查普曼(Siobhan Chapman)著《语言哲学入门》(Philosophy for Linguists: An Introduction, London and New York: Routeledge,2000),《笔记》第253-255页:

  这是为语言学专业学生写的入门书,提供非常清晰的概念,呈现语言哲学的主要课题(Philosophy for Linguists provides students with a clear,concise introduction to the main topics in the philosophy of language)。比方,语言学家应该了解什么?哲学与现代语言学是如何联系在一起的?本书内容涉及语义学、语用学以及语言习得(Focusing on what linguists need to know and how philosophy relates to modern linguistics, the book is structured around key branches of linguistics, including semantics,pragmatics and language acquisition)。回溯语言哲学思想的历史,论及哲学家的杰出贡献,阅读者不需要具备先前的哲学知识就可以读懂这本书(Assuming no prior knowledge of philosophy, Siobhan Chapman traces the history and development of ideas in the philosophy of language, and outlines the contributions of specific philosophers)。



  42、马里奥·裴(Mario Pei)著《语言的故事》(The Story of Language, London:George Allen & Unwin Ltd.,1952),《笔记》第172-213页:

  马里奥·裴的这本书丝毫没有教科书的味道,在近500页之内详尽地讲述语言的故事,广博而不繁琐,幽默而不放纵(Here is a book, quite free of the odour of the schoolroom, which tells the story of language, as fully as it can be told in the compass of 500 pages, and tells it with humour and common sense.)。

  这本书分为三大部分。第一部分,他从语言的历史开始讲述,其中包括了非语言的交流系统,简洁地概述了语言的起源、历史的演化以及文字的发展(Dr.Pei opens his remarkable book with a discussion of the history of language,in which he includes non-linguistic systems of communication,such as the arm-signals of a motor-car driver. He explores briefly the fascinating field of the origin of language, its historical evolution, and the development of writing)。第二部分包括语言的构成要素的故事——声音、词语、句法,并生动地讲述了俚语、行话、黑话,就语言对宗教、家庭、政治体制、迷信、忍耐性以及科学的形象也进行了阐述(The second section deals with the elements that make up language-sounds, words, syntax. Here Dr. Pei introduces an instructive chapter on slang, cant, and jargon and discusses the effect of language on religion, the family, political institutions, superstition, intolerance, and science)。最后的第三部分则对历史、结构、现代口语之间的关系以及语言学习等问题做了一番故事性的讨论(Following this comes a summery of the history, structure, and relationship of the modern spoken tongues and a short account of the problems involved in learning language)。   

  裴教授的索绪尔研究和普通语言学素养,已被王庆先生批评。她的梵语学研究,又有抄袭的嫌疑。这样,“相对安全”的,就只剩下语言哲学和语言史两块阵地了。从裴教授在《剑桥语言学笔记》里把弗雷格的“expression of equality”译成“公平表达”,把罗素的“descriptions”(摹状词)译成“描述”,把“predicate logic”(谓词逻辑)译成“宾辞逻辑”,把“ordinary language philosophy”(日常语言哲学)译成“一般语言哲学”,把“meaning and intention”(意义与意向)译成“意义与动机”等等(第254页)来看,她实在不具备语言哲学的基本常识。

  裴教授对语言史名著《语言的故事》的介绍,占全书四十二页,是最长的一章,也是错误最多的。我只举两个例子。比如她翻译昆体良(Quintilian)的话:“上帝这位自然和世界建构的全能造物主单单给人类留下了话语能力,再没有比这一特征更宜于将人类与其他动物分离开来了。”(God,that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals,as by the faculty of speech.)裴教授精研英文文法,还用英文写过书,却不知道这句话里面的“architect”(创造者、缔造者)和“Creator”(造物主)一样都是指“God”,竟把“architect”(翻成“建构”也不通)也当成是“Creator”的造物了。

  最搞笑的还得算是裴教授摘译的《语言的故事》里讲国际通用语的一段话:“……罗斯福夫人和丘吉尔夫人多少有些天真地呼吁:‘无论如何让我们拥有一种世界语言!无论如何就让英语成为这种语言!’”(Prominent Americans and Englishmen like Mrs. Roosevelt and Churchill somewhat naively cry out:“By all means let us have an international language! And by all means, let that language be English!”)罗斯福夫人(Mrs. Roosevelt)和丘吉尔首相(Winston Churchill)都曾热心于把英语推广成国际通用语,可是没听说过丘吉尔夫人(Mrs. Churchill)也好这一口呀。原来按照裴教授独特的英文文法,“Mrs.”这个词双管“罗斯福”和“丘吉尔”。  






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发表于 2010-3-24 22:31:04 | 显示全部楼层




另外说“五十七种内容艰深的语言学专著”倒是稍微有点“书皮党”的嫌疑了,就比如说P.-S. Filliozat先生的Sanskrit这本书,本来是Que sais-je?丛书里的,冷僻也许有之,要说艰深么,好像就有点过分,至少我相信它对于高先生而言是不艰深的。



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