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[【外语类原创】] My Favorite Film  brave  heart    绝对原创

发表于 2010-1-5 22:56:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When I was a college student, my oral English teacher named Michelle, a Scottish girl, showed us a movie with the title “Brave Heart”. This film is my favorite one that I’ve ever seen. Until now I treasured it in my hard disk of the computer. “Brave Heart” is the story of one of Scotland’s greatest national heroes-sir William Wallace, leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule.
Before my introduction of the film’s plot, I’d like you to know something about its background knowledge. So it’s necessary to give you a rough map of Great Britain.
The time was traced back to the 13th century. At that time, there were three kingdoms in Great Britain. Each country had its monarch. The English king in rein was Edward I, with a nickname “long shanks”. He was so called maybe Edward I was very tall with long legs.
Edward I came to the English throne in the year of 1272. He was strong in mind, a soldier by nature, He was cunning and ruthless.
Edward’s rein of England represented the feudal climax in the English history; maybe he owned the same historical position with the Chinese Emperor Tang taizong, lishimin of Tang Dynasty.
In the year of 1277, Edward conquered Wales and put Wales under the English crown and presented his newly-born son as “prince of Wales”-heir to the English throne ever since. The border line with Wales was deleted. Wales and England united as one.
Edward I was also engaged in a long war with Scotland. In order to put down the revolts of Scots and change its races, He granted his nobles “Prima Nocta”-first night, the right to take all new brides into their beds for the first night.
The movie changed its scene to a small town Elderslie, Scotland, where young William Wallace, hero of this movie, was born. He lived with his father and elder brother. In order to stop the long war with Scots, Edward I fixed a trap in name of talking about truce with Scots nobles. William’s father and brother were also called to the meeting a few miles from their home, where they found the entire nobility were hanged. William’s father and brother then went to battle against the English soldiers. They both fought bravely and died tragically. At the funeral young Wallace met his uncle Argyle who took him away from Scotland. Many years later, Young Wallace growed up and came back to his hometown where he ran into a girl he knew before, her name is Murron. Because the English nobles was granted “prima nocta” the right to sleep with newly-wed brides on their wedding night, William Wallace married Murron in secret. Then the British guard assaulted Murron and William killed him, eventually Murron was killed by the English lord. This enraged Wallace who built a powerful army, entering cities and killing Englishmen within. Wallace moved on to Sterling where he prepared for his great battle. In the forest he realized that he must find a way to defeat the English cavalry. He decided to make spears twice as long as men. These were used in the battle of Sterling and the whole English army was annihilated led by Prince of Wales.
As for Prince of Wales, the future king EdwardⅡ, who had a tendency of homosexuality, was soft and weak in personality. EdwardⅠchose the daughter of his rival king of France as his daughter-in-law with the title of Princess of Wales. Her name was Isabella.
After the battle of Sterling, William Wallace was knighted and proclaimed “Guardian and High Protector of Scotland” by the Scotch nobles including the leader Robert Bruce. Then William and his army invaded Northern England and captured the most important military city York where Lord of York shire, nephew of EdwardⅠwas beheaded.
Embarrassed by the military situation, EdwardⅠsent Isabella to talk with William Wallace about truce, but Wallace knew what’s the real meaning of Edward’s truce and declined her. After returning to London, Isabella found that EdwardⅠhad withdrawn great army from France and Ireland and he was ready to besiege the York shire. Isabella sent warnings to William Wallace who backed to Scotland after receiving the message.

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