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[[求助与讨论]] Big big boy (转贴)

发表于 2006-8-2 17:55:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Once he was a little boy,
from a remote city,
healthy but not wealthy,
full of dreams that have not come into reality.

On study,
he used to be innocent and lazy,
which affected his future severely,
Now he is a big boy,
full of diligence and industry,
about to enter graduate school in his university.

On life,
his mind is full of memory,
friends are so unforgettable and lively,
making his thought no infinity.
Now he is a big boy,
about to be a member of the society,
no matter how the situation shifts in diversity,
he know that something remains unchanged eternally.

On emotions,
he changelessly belives in destiny.
There is a tale of the fairy,
in the bottom of his heart constantly,
during the blossom time of the cherry,
with the fragrance of flowers flies rapidly,
a bouquet of daisy,
witnesses the relation of affinity.
Now he is a big boy,
with more missions and responsibility,
sometimes feels solitary,
days are somewhat dreary.
He understands the importance of bravery,
he also keeps aware that nothing has a permanent warranty.
but it is a time of enhancing personal ability,
a time of striving to guarantee life dignity.
He has to be absorbed and hurry,
because the world is not his dynasty.

On future,
his plans have no extremity.
Although temporarily he has little property,
he is looking forward to setting up his own family,
becoming a father and bringing up his litte baby.
Complicated the proccess may be,
he is ready to overcome any possible difficulty.
He also wanna cross the national boundary,
no matter Italy or Germany,
different cultures help to improve his apprenhensibility.

Now he is a big boy,
at night everyday,
looking into the galaxy,
he have the faith that each effort will be worthy.
In several years later's anniversary,
what he has gained will be satisfactory,
life will be filled with happiness until eternity.

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