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[[资源推荐]] Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts To Code, 2nd Edition

发表于 2007-1-27 02:39:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ISBN: 1590594576
Title: Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts To Code, 2nd Edition
Author: Jacquie Barker
Publisher: Apress
Publication Date: 2005-06-20
Number Of Pages: 1000
Average Amazon Rating: 4.5

Editorial Description
Learning to design objects effectively with Java is the goal of Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code, an intensive yet approachable guide to object design, using UML and today's hottest programming language. Plenty of titles dig into the Java language in massive detail, but this one steps back and looks at object design first. The details of Java, from basic language features to a simple tutorial for building user interfaces in Swing, emerge only after a thorough tour of thinking in obj  ...read whole description

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lincats 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-2-5 15:16:21 | 显示全部楼层
学习用java有效的设计对象是Beginning java object的目的,从概念到代码,对象设计的精深然而又易懂的指南,使用Uml和当今热门的编程语言,许多书籍都深掘java宠大的细节,但这对于先期对象设计毫无意义。Java的细节,从基本语言特性到用Swing构建用户界面的简易教程,........

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