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[[小语种资源]] 第六期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

发表于 2006-2-4 13:52:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






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发表于 2006-2-4 20:42:17 | 显示全部楼层

Since I was very young, I have always been against play fireworks during the Spring Festival. Part of the reason is that I am a person who likes quiet environment, and I like reading books and watching movies in leisure time very much. So it is very annoying for me to listen to the noise made by firework in the treasurable spare time of the Spring Festival. However, I also belive that banning firework is good for the public. In my opinion, there are three categories of reasons to justify people's activities: maximisation of utility, right to liberty, and tradtion. Here I will try to analyse one by one and to show that none of these reasons can be used to justify the playing of firework.

I believe it is quite clear that playing firework is not good for maximisation utility. The materials which are used to make firework can be used to make some other better and useful things. Moreover, playing firework is a relatively dangerous entertainment. I used to remember the TV and newspaper reports about those who were injured by firework. I am sure that a man who loses an eyes would be regret on playing firework. Some may claim that playing firework can make people happier and thus increases the total utility, but according to my experience of communicating with other people on internet forums, there are a lot of people who share the same feeling with me. The decreased utility of us should also be counted.

It can be argued that people should have the right to play firework, yet it is still very ambiguous to see what makes playing firework a right to liberty. J.S.Mill, in probably the most classical work about the problem of liberty, argues persuasively that people could and should have the right to liberty, but only when they do not harm the liberty of the others. Playing firework definitely harm the others by making non-stopping noises, so I do not see sufficient reason to protect such liberty.

Finally, tradition has been used in many cases to defend firework. To refute such defence, we should notice that, firstly, "something is old" or "something has a long history" is hardly a sufficient reasons to keep something unchanged. Secondly,  a more utilitarian reason against firework is that, the government has already tried to ban it for some years, or more accurately, ALMOST a generation. Tradition is not just something written on books and remembered by people when they are young. Tradition is something alive, and it is embedded in people's daily lives. Therefore, if some tradition is considered as badand should be moved, working for one generation s important, because as the tradition becomes unfamiliar to the next generation, they will not be easily hard by the bad side of it any more. In the case of firework, we are now facing a situation that, within maybe several years, young people will not be exciting about it anymore, so that the moise are supposed to disappear even if the government does not ban it. Since the government has worked hard on that policy for years, I am really sorry to hear that they give up just few years to the final success.

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发表于 2006-2-5 13:49:53 | 显示全部楼层
I don’t think playing fireworks should be banned by laws or administrative rules. In the following, I will try to illuminate my opinion from the three aspects that Mr. travis has referred to.
How we define “useful things”? We could hardly say fireworks are useless things. Of course, fireworks are regarded as the resource of noise by someone, but they are resource of happiness and jollification in the minds of many people. The different situations lie on different individuals. Many people got injured even died when they were producing or playing fireworks, but in most occasions, it’s not the mistake of fireworks. The tragedies happened mainly because people didn’t produce fireworks according to proper and safe operative regulations or played fireworks without caution. Can we impute the traffic accidents only to the automobiles and stop using them?
With regard to liberty, we can easily discern the behaviors that harm the liberty of the others in most time, but sometimes it’s difficult. In the movie “Waiting Alone”, Chen Wen wanted to lie in whereas he was awaken by the voice of aunties which danced downstairs. It’s unfair to say the aunties harmed the liberty of Chen Wen.
As the important part of culture, the folk-customs have tremendous inertia. Banning folk-customs by laws or administrative rules is not wisdom. Traditions will certainly change along with the social, but we must know it will take a long time to transform social tradition.

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发表于 2006-2-5 16:29:12 | 显示全部楼层
I am in favor of this custom typical of the Chinese culture 
Setting off firecrackers has long been a custom for the Chinese people on their happy occasions. Setting off firecrackersshould not be banned.  It reflects the heritage of Chinese culture. Also, it adds much to the warm festive atmosphere of the most important Chinese holiday─the Spring Festival. We can't imagine what the holidays would be like without such a custom.  So it should be kept just like our other Chinese treasures, such as Peking Opera, Dragon Dancing, putting up the douplets on the door, and reunion.

  Of course it might cause some trouble to people sometimes if it is not cautiously dealt with. For example, during the holidays, the firecrackers might cause fire, people might be injured by the firecrackers. Such question can easily be solved if some education concerned is offered to improve people's safety awareness.

  In my opinion, letting off firecrackers should not be banned.  Our holiday will be more fun with the firecrackers or fireworks.

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发表于 2006-2-7 13:38:45 | 显示全部楼层
Playing Fireworks, a form to celebrate spring festival, now raises more and more discussion. Some hold the view that fireworks are dangerous when playing in crowded places while others agree with the role of fireworks in celebration.  From my point of view, every coin has two sides.
It is a widespread tradition that people set off fireworks at spring festival. Most regard it a necessary programme in New year's eve. Our ancesters believe that firecrackers can drive away ghosts and show their respect to the god when combined with other traditional activities such as eating dumplings and pasting Fu on the door reversely. Therefore, fireworks serve the function of celebrating. It is also a characteristic celebration in China.
On the other side, as some people say, fireworks are dangerous when setting off without caution. In past years we heard a lot of firs in different places and many people died of setting off fireworks inproperly. So with the advent of spring festival, the government always alerts citizens to be careful during the celebration. Nowadays, we introduce some measures to avoid the damage of fireworks. For instance, fireworks are only available at special stores which have licenses to sell them. Moreover, each store has an monitor to give guidance. In addition, in each city there are special times (from 7 pm to12 pm) and special places allowing people to set off fireworks.
To sum up, fireworks, as a tradition, contribute to the diverse forms of celebration. But necessary regulations and guidance are indispensable.

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发表于 2006-2-7 15:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
Recently a heated discussion as to whether firecrackers should be banned or not has sprung up. Some people think that it should not be banned because setting off firecrackers is a traditional way to celebrate the New Year. Not only can it add to the festive atmosphere, but also offer an outlet for people’s excitement and pleasure. Moreover, it is believed that setting off firecrackers will bring good fortune in the coming year.
As for me, I am against setting off firecrackers. I think setting off firecrackers makes tremendous noise and leads to serious air pollution. And setting off firecrackers is not only a nuisance, but also a potential hazard to their lives and property. Every year it is reported that many fire accidents and injuries are caused by it.
So, I think setting off firecrackers should be banned. Obviously, to change a custom is not easy and people are not ready for such drastic actions, bur it will pay in the long run if the setting of firecrackers is effectively banned. Another possible solution is that the substitute for the firecracker should be invented so that we can celebrate an important occasion without causing accidents.

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发表于 2006-2-8 10:57:33 | 显示全部楼层
As far as I am concerned, I think burning fireworks        is ok. burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival. People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits. However, such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities once the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room. What a pity! Burning fireworks is a genuine tradition, deeply embedded in our Asian heritage. Eliminating a tradition, especially a highly enjoyable one, is not something any of us should take lightly. To get us out of our economic doldrums, the state is encouraging residents to spend more. Spending on fireworks has benefitted local businesses -- both mom-n-pop stores and giant discount chains. Ask merchants if they'd like to ban fireworks. In sum, the benefits of fireworks -- tradition, tourism, neighborliness, economy, and fun -- far outweigh the costs.

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发表于 2006-2-8 13:56:34 | 显示全部楼层
   The spring festival is the most important festival in the traditional Chinese calendar and occurs on the first day of the year. This year's spring festival falls on January 29th. And playing firework is an absolutely necessarily part in the spring festival.
   I think playing fireworks is a tradition. I think a thing which has been come down thousands of years has its significance of exist. Though it has many sense of  feudalism, but it also has Sinitic characteristic. And I play an important action during the festival. According above, I agree playing fireworks.
   The member named travis says “playing firework is a relatively dangerous entertainment”, I think doing everything without regulations is all dangerous. I consider supposing we make a integrity regulations about playing fireworks concluding where is allowed to playing fireworks and when you playing fireworks, what you should care and etc. I think after doing it well, playing firework is not dangerous as you said. So I agree with the member named tycoon who said “the firecrackers might cause fire, people might be injured by the firecrackers. Such question can easily be solved if some education concerned is offered to improve people's safety awareness.”

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发表于 2006-2-8 16:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
I like watching firework shows but i don 't the firecrackers played by individual.

In my opinion, the firework shows must be played under the control of the government,such as when and where it could be played, so as to reduce the incidence such as causing fire, people being injured, and the air polution,etc.

Also, the  firecrackers sometimes cause the argument sometimes. Many people, especially girls have had this experience like being scared by a sudden "BANG"

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发表于 2006-2-9 12:48:32 | 显示全部楼层
It is a common sense that the firework may add to the new year's atmosphere. It is a way to celebrate the new year and express the jollification. So i think most peopeo will insist that playing firework should not be forbidden.
Let me tell you a story.
I know a girl who is about 5 years older than me. She is the first college student in our village. Her family is very poor, her mother is always sick, her father repair bicycle, which is the only way of supporting her family. She studied very hard, after graduation she found a job and she could earn more than one thousand per month, that is a very big number for us who live in samll country at that time. We admire her very much, her father was proud of her too. In the very winter of  her graduation. Her father bought many fireworks for he was so happy. Who can anticipate that it became the begining of the tragedy...
The pollution the fireword cause is also severe.
I think we should cancel the custom of playing firework and find other ways to celebrate the festival.

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发表于 2006-2-9 22:34:33 | 显示全部楼层
AS far as i am concerned,The firework shouldn't be banned.First,it is symbol of chinese nation traditional culture ,it is  a  essential element of spring festival.Second,The fireworks has led one batch of industries, promoted the economical development.Last,firework in spring festvial is very beautiful and  make our life rich and coloful

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发表于 2006-2-10 13:15:57 | 显示全部楼层
I don’t like playing fireworks,but I don’t think playing fireworks should be banned by laws .
Playing fireworks is one of the most important symbols for "Guo Nian" in China,also,it can  bring a ray of sunshine into the children's lives. I must agree that sometimes playing fireworks is dangerous, and many people will say that so many  tragedies have occured for it,but we can not inpute to fireworks for all of these.we should admit that sometimes it is because of "the people",but "not the firework",for example,the avaracious manufacturer produce unqulified fireworks, or we play it in a wrong way or wong place.
I  don’t like playing fireworks because it bring noise and pollution.but I don’t think playing fireworks should be banned by laws.Maybe with the times went by, more and more people don’t like playing fireworks and at last it is dispeared,and at that time we may found more healthy way to celebrate our new year.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-11 13:25:03 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-2-11 17:12:53 | 显示全部楼层
I hate playing fireworks and firecrackers and I do think it should be banned by law. Playing fireworks or firecrackers is very dangerous, especially when people play them together at the same time on a small ground. people are in some sense playing explosives when they are playing fireworks and firecrackers. If the former should be banned by law, why not the latter shouldn't ?

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发表于 2006-2-11 18:19:43 | 显示全部楼层
Concerning me, fireworks should never be banned.
In my childhood, playing fireworks is the greatest longing in Spring Festival. Old people gave them to us children as gifts and it’s the happiest time when we were playing fireworks together. However, playing fireworks was banned by the government more than ten years ago, and since then, we found Spring Festival didn’t seem like it any more. Something was wrong, yes, without the typical celebrations for New Year, among which, fireworks is the most important.
Fortunately, last year, the local government of my hometown abolished the ban for fireworks and I was so excited to see the long-missing beautiful flares and sparks again in the dark sky, even though I had been too old to play them myself.
Never ban fireworks, please, and make them even better and better.]

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发表于 2006-2-13 21:45:54 | 显示全部楼层

The Spring Festival is The oldest and most important festival in China , commonly known in the West as Chinese New Year. Playing firework is one of the most important forms of celebration.
   Who can imagin it: there is no sound, no fire, no fun on that most important festival. If our goverment allow playing firework ,  it should add more fun to the celebration. Not only children but adults would enjoy the pleasure for appreciating playing firwork together. And it will strengthen the changing of the families.
  Now in our country, more and more foreign festival run into our life, and they become more and more important than the tranditional festival!  If we cannot do something to force funny to our tranditional festivals ,as so long before, where can our tranditional  locate!
  So in one word, I think that it is so important to allow playing firework, not only because of funny but also being important to save our traditional festival.


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发表于 2006-2-14 00:27:22 | 显示全部楼层
Although playing fireworks or firecrackers is dangerous as some people say, there some reasons that playing fireworks should not be banned.

First, playing fireworks is more funy than dangerous. Being a boy, I know how much funny it bestowed,  it is the happiest time in the Festvial.

Second, playing fireworks announces that  the old year was over and a new year will begin.as if all misfortunes went along with it. it make the festvial more interesting .I don't know what it will be if fireworks are banned.

Finally, making fireworks has become an industry, it produce more opportunities for workers. as cigarret which is harmful to our health is not banned , neither should be fireworks.

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发表于 2006-2-15 10:58:36 | 显示全部楼层
Fireworks should not be banned.
Everyone has his very way to express his feeling and joy .In China the people choose fireworks to celebrate New Year.It is not only a good fashion but also a Chinese traditional program.It give us much more benefits than disadvantages.We should hand it on for our ancestor and ourselves.
It is a fact that fireworks have give us lots of accidents.And We feel sad for that .But I think it is not fireworks' fault .Every thing have two faces.Take knife for an  example ,we can use it to cut things for us ,but some people use it to kill people.So we should not ban people to use knife as well as fireworks.
Of course,we should do somethings to decrease fireworks accidents' number.In fact, we have done some acts.Such as ,let fireworks work after 3s or more.It is a good way to make people safe.

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发表于 2006-2-16 19:41:20 | 显示全部楼层
Fireworks were originally developed in the second century BC, in ancient Liuyang , China . 2000 years ago the Chinese have made the first China fireworks by packing saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal into bamboo tubes.fireworks when it be lighted, the noise produced so impressed  that the ancients were convinced fireworks could drive away evil sprits.
In spite of the danger of fireworks, i think we  should not ban playing it. Because it can bring us more gladness and liveliness. It's the symbol of every festival. Although some people became the sacrificial lamb of the bad fireworks. But it's only minority of us. I believe more people could gain enjoyment from it.

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发表于 2006-2-17 09:03:08 | 显示全部楼层
Though playing fireworks sometimes course danger,it shouldn't be banned,in my opinon.Playing fireworks has been an essential entertainment in traditional China when
Festival Spring comes.I can see how people laugh and happy when they watch the
beautiful fireworks crash in the sky,and how they relax when the fun thing happens.
Some people aways emphasize its danger,but everything we do can be adventurous,we
can't just sit and do nothing at all.The accidents fireworks caused will be lessen under we
people'careness and government'policy.I think like Beijing city'-playing fireworks with limit-policy is very good.It gives people certiain room to enjoy themselves,and in other place people shouldn't play it.With this policy,we can avoid accidents,is there any other reason we
must ban the fireworkes?

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