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[[小语种资源]] 介绍自己所在地旅游景点(2威望)

发表于 2006-3-14 19:55:15 | 显示全部楼层
The Qipan Mountain scenery spot of Shenyang
Shenyang, an international metropolitan with a history of 7,200 years civilization, is the center of the economy, culture, tourism. It is one of the cities that qualified the most competent city in the modern world by UN.
Many historical relics situated here. There are more than 1000 historic constructions and tomb, each one with an episode of story and every one is the precious tourism resources to our country. The Xinyue relics more than 7200 years from now, the capital of early Qing dynasty, the Shenyang Imperial Palace, which possess the vivid Manchu feature, Fuling Mausoleum, Zhaoling Mausoleum and Yongling Mausoleum, the Marshal Zhang’s Headquarter, the September eighteenth incident memorial are all situated in Shenyang.
The four seasons of a year are quite different from each other, the climate is enjoyable, and the sceneries are beautiful. There are so many wonderful scenic spots, especially the Qipan mountain international scenic tourism development area that at the northeastern of Shenyang.


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发表于 2006-3-15 01:28:31 | 显示全部楼层


Daliangzi river national Forest Park lie of HeLongJiang province east little Xing'an Mountains southern foot Tangyuan county Daliangzi river Korean pine forests within the territory of the field, the whole area is 7171 hectares, was established in 1987, was approved by Ministry of Forestry for the national-level Forest Park in 1992, build one of the national-level Forest Parks initially of the garden at home. The national Forest Park of Daliangzi river is the natural ecological tourist site taking view of primary forest of Korean pine as subject , show ancient wood very big , forest wide , mountain stone peculiar , the mountains and rivers are quiet and beautiful, the scene is rich and colorful in four seasons, the pleasant view characteristic of outstanding talent of natural scenery, praised as" Xing`An jewel and san river jadeites ".


Is Yuanhai temple - - the first temple of san rivers, it is one of biggest Buddhist temples of our province. Architectural style is simple and primitive and refined, magnificent and grand .

The original forest of Korean pine - the 2400 hectares of gross area, 400- 500 tree age year, Korean pine is with its fine material quality with famous and precious seed well-known China and foreign countries, world distribution is few very much , shows at home with rare. Ascend a height to look into the distance , the original forest of Korean pine is continuous horizon, inlay between high mountain ridges.


Daliangzi river drift is the first san rivers drift, Daliangzi river bank reflect with green hill appearance, scenery is graceful. On the way of the Drift torrent is dangerous shoal, megalith accompanies with odd tree, river is gently limpid and is seen the bottom, torrent and swing are repeatedly to rise and fall , Daliangzi river is the state of ecstasy of ecotourism.



Birch forest - - the first forest of san rivers, area Birch of 1000 hectares pure forest, is continuous horizon. Trunk is white and similar, Birch leaf colour is with seasonal change, colour is colorful and graceful, give grand mountain forest to add poetry feelings .

Transprotation:  Bus ,  from JiaMuSi to TangYuan  ,  every day.

Best time to visit: come here in summer and autumn

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发表于 2006-3-15 19:34:40 | 显示全部楼层
As one of the five best-known mountains in China, Mt. Huashan is located to the south of Huayin city, 120 kilometers east of Xian, in Shaanxi province, with an elevation of 2200 meters above sea level. In ancient times, Mt. Huashan was called Mt. Taihuashan. Seen from afar, the five peaks looks like five petals of a flower. Hence its name, Mt. Huashan (= five flowers). Today, it is listed as one of the renowned national scenic spots.

Mt. Huashan is famous for its breath-taking cliffs. Along the 12-kilometer-long winding path up to the top are awe-inspiring precipices, looking into which will take your breath away. Among the five peaks, East Peak (Facing Sun Peak), West Peak (Lotus Peak) and South Peak (Dropping Goose Peak) are comparatively high. Standing at the top of East Peak, one can enjoy the rising sun early in the morning. West Peak, in resemblance to a lotus flower, is the most graceful peak in Mt. Huashan. In addition, there are Middle Peak (Jade Maiden Peak) and North Peak (Clouds Stand). The middle peak got its name because of a story telling that once a young lady rode a white horse among the mountains. North Peak, like a flat platform in the clouds, is the place where the story Capturing Mt. Huashan Wisely took place.

Mt. Huashan boasts a lot of places of interest. Here and there stand Buddhist and Taoist temples, pavilions and buildings as well as sculptures and engravings. Of the ruins, Yuquan (Jade Spring), Zhenwu Palace, and Jintian Palace are, comparatively speaking, famous. Xiyue Temple, seven kilometers north of Mt. Huashan is the place where people of ancient times paid tribute to the Mt. Huashan God.

Along the cliff of South Peak is a planked path equipped with an iron chain, with the help of which, adventurers can walk on the frightful path. There is a giant rock in front of Cuiyun Palace on West Peak. As it takes the shape of a lotus flower, the mountain is also called Lotus Peak. As legend has it, Chen Xiang, a filial young man, once split the mountain and rescued his mother out of it. Now a crack can be witnessed in a giant rock beside Cuiyun Palace as if an axe made it. Thus, the rock is called "Axe-splitting Rock," beside which is a huge axe with a long handle. The northwest side of the peak is called Fatal Cliff for it is as steep as if it was cut by a sharp sword.

North Peak, with cliffs on three sides, has only one road leading to the south. From here one goes south to Ca'er Precipice, the fourth most dangerous place along the only path in Mt. Huashan. The cliff path is less than 30 centimeters wide, and faces such a deep valley that the tourists have to edge along carefully. Then one comes to Sky-leading Ladder, Sun and Moon Precipice and the well-known Blue Dragon Mountain.

East Peak, with a rising-sun platform favorable for viewing the morning sun, is also called Facing Sun Peak. As the sun emerges from the sea of clouds, one cannot help but show great
Admission Fee:  

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发表于 2006-3-15 19:47:26 | 显示全部楼层
As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers (2.49 miles) from the downtown of the city. Standing in the Da Ci'en Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its simple but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple. It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction.

This attraction can be divided into three parts: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Da Ci'en Temple, and the North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang.

Xuanzang started off from Chang'an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism. Enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained Buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several Buddha relics. Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong (628-683), Xuanzang, as the first abbot of Da Ci'en Temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it. With the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation. Based on the journey to India, he also wrote a book entitled "ilgrimage to the West" in the Tang Dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.

First built to a height of 60 meters (197 feet) with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters (211.6 feet) high with an additional two stories. It was said that after that addition came the saying-"Saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda". Externally it looks like a square cone, simple but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction. Built of brick, its structure is very firm. Inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey. On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty. Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.

As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a legend. According to ancient stories of Buddhists, there were two branches, for one of which eating meat was not a taboo. One day, they couldn't find meat to buy. Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: 'Today we have no meat. I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some.' At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground. All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious. They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat. Hence it got the name 'Big Wild Goose Pagoda'.


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发表于 2006-3-16 16:04:40 | 显示全部楼层
The Qipanshan Mountain international scenery tourism and development area
The Qipanshan Mountain international scenery tourism and development area situated at the northeastern of Shenyang. The characteristic of each season is quite different from the others, the climate is enjoyable and the scenery is beautiful. It is the landscape painter of the Shenyang; and she is a shining pearl in the broad land of northeastern china.
The Qipanshan international scenery tourism development area is the largest natural scenery in Shenyang and it occupies 203 square kilometers. The scenic region occupied 142 square kilometers, the outer region is 61 square kilometers. The main body is the natural landscape and forest. The forest ecological tourism, winter spots tourism, scenery tourism, vocational tourism, and famous sceneries and relics tourism are involved in the tourism in the Qipanshan scenic spot.
The Qipanshan Mountain contacts with Fushun in the east, Tieling in the north, and the west and south was circled by Shenyang. The traffic is so convenient.
Qipanshan Mountain belongs to Changbaishan mountain chains, undulate ridges continue for thousands of kilometers. It adheres immediately with other famous mountains in the northeast of China. Plants are very exuberant here. I believe many people have not appreciated her beauty, now let me make a short introduction of her.
The first scene impact your eyes are the statue of the Liu Dongbin and Lie Guaili captured by the chess. This is where the name of Qipanshan Mountian comes from. It is said that one day, on the way to the Mountian Tai, Tie Guaili and Lv Dongbin moved away the clouds and found a strange mountain. On the top is a large stone that looks like a big chessboard. So they began to play chess. The game was not finished after they had played for a day and a night. They left the remnant of the game. This splendid main mountain gate plus the mysterious legend exhibit the abundant cultural accumulation.  

Step into the scenic region, it looks like a big colorful painting unfolded gradually before you. The wild trees near you, weeping willows on the beach of the lake and the green grass beneath the feet look like the concretionary green. It will give you the feeling that the whole world has been dipped in the green; and the green is the governor here. It looks so noblest here. You can appreciate the poem “闲上山来看野水,忽于水底见青山”very well when get to the peak of the mountain. It looks like wonderland. The four mountains and one lake constitute the central sceneries. The Qipanshan mountain, Huishan mountain, Dayangshan Mountian, Shirenshan mountain have merits of their own. They constitute the sea of forests and undulate billows of pinasters.
The scenes of different seasons are quite different. Every flower compete to blossom in spring. As the old saying goes “the plants know the spring the best. ” “the spring comes earlier where towards the sun. ”
There is a small hill at the north beach of the upper reaches of the Xiuhu lake. It is called Xiaobeishan. It looks like the back of a turtle. There is a big stone looks like the head of the turtle at the south beach. Every morning in the sunshine, it looks like a large turtle stretch its neck to drink water. It looks so vivid, so it is called “龟岭晓霞”.
There are so many beautiful scenes there at the Qipanshan Mountain international scenery tourism and development area, for more detailed information, you have to go there to feel it yourself.
But I have to say the price is a little high, 200 yuan per person.
It is easy to get there; you should contact a tourism group.
It is two day tourism there.


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发表于 2006-3-16 17:28:09 | 显示全部楼层

The Flaming Mountain

Hello,everyone,I think you must have seen the flamous mythic tale TV program---Journey to the West.In the tales,the monkey want to pass The flaming mountain which temperature is very high.How is the mountainis In real life .SO today I want to introduce the famous senic spot in xinjiang. lying in the middle of the turpan depression and running from east to west ,the flaming mountain is not only the one of the most well known mountains in every Chinese family,but also one of the branch ranges of the tianshan mountains.
  The mountain is 98 kilometers long and nine kilometers wide.the highest peak is at a place called shengjingkou,it is 831.7 meters  above the sea level.the average altitude is 510 meters above the sea level.
  The flaming mountain is entirely a bare and grassless mountain except the reddish colored soil and rocks.It influences the climate in turpan basin. At the same time is acts like a giant natural dam of the underground reservoir in the basin..
  Actually,the flaming mountain was formed in the orogenic movements of the Himalayas,in millions of yeas,the crust movements caused the natural weathering and the numerous folded belts,and have formed the undulating lie and the crisscross gullies and ravines of the flaming mountains .under the blazing sun,the red rock glows and hot air curis up like smoke as though it were on fire,hence its name. The surface temperature at the foot of the flming mountain used to reach at about 80 degrees and local people said the eggs could be baked under the sand.
Sitrated on the north route of the ancient silk road,the flaming mountains have many cultural relics and often-told ancient tales –the unbelievable topography,unique products,splendis cultural relics.Ok,my friends,don’t you want to see it? Come on.

Accommodation: turpan hotel
Transportation: take long distance bus from urumqi to turpan
Best season for sightseeing: summer

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发表于 2006-3-16 20:49:17 | 显示全部楼层
West Lake is west of the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. The lake is surrounded on three sides by hills and has an area of 6.03 square kilometers. The Bai and Su Dykes divide the lake into five parts that are dotted with small isles including Long Hill, Small Island and Lake Center Pavilion. The lake and the hills form a picturesque landscape.

Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

Tiger-running Spring

The Moon Reflected in Three Tools

The west lake is so beautiful, but remember to try the tea house where you pay a fix amount (price depending on type of tea and of couse the location of the tea house) and can help yourself with nuts and sweets to go with the tea. You can read a book, play card game with friends for an entire afternoon. Really relaxing way to end the trip in China.

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发表于 2006-3-17 19:13:08 | 显示全部楼层
The Ancient City of Gaochang

Good afternoon,everyone ,today I want to introduce the highlight of Xinjiang---The ancient city of gaochang. It is located 46 kilometers southeast of the cith of turpan,at the foot of the flaming mountain.the city was also called “huozhou”—a fire state some tiemes.
  The outline of gaochang ancient city was similar to the ancient city of chang’an(today’s xi’an).it took the shape of an irregular square with an area of 2.2 million square meters and was regarded as the second largest city by area in the western region.this ancient city was divided into three parts: the inner city,the outer city and the palace city.
  The earliest construction of the city started in the first century BC. It was called gaochangbi at that time and was a key point on the middle route of the ancient silk road.gaochang means a high position and flourished. It is 50meters below the sea level. The prosperous period was the time of tang.which was from the 7th century to the 10th century.according to the histourical documents discovered by the archeologists from astana grave yard.the population of gaochang city in Tang dynasty was as mangy as 3.7 thousands.now it become ruins.the reason which the city was abandoned is:first,because of the war;second ,the shortage of the water resources;the third is bease of the development of the nautical industry.
  The ruin of gaochang was classified as an important cultural unit protected by the state in 1961.ok,that’s all.welcome to Xinjiang ,welcome to Gaochang.

Accommodation:turpan hotel
Transportation: take a long-distance bus from urumqi to turpan
Best month for singhtseeing : from May to October

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发表于 2006-3-17 19:53:15 | 显示全部楼层
The central street
The central street of Shenyang is a richly historied and flourishing shopping center. It has a history of more than three hundred and fifty years since it was paved in the Ming and Qing dynasty. The horses markets in Kaiyuan, Guangning and Fushun are bustling in the end of the Ming Dynasty. Shenyang situated in the centre of the region. So its economic progress was prominent at that time. The Dajin dynasty moved the capital to Shenyang in 1625. The economy was better, and the Siping Street (the central street nowadays) was formed. The second block and the third block were altered to the first business pedestrian street in China by the government with a length of 1000 meters.
Goldlion, the second department store, the Pengda and the drum tower are the four indicative buildings of the central street. The first section and the second section of the Cuihualou bring forth the classic elegance. The shopping center, the Spring of Shenyang(沈阳春天), the eastern Asia square, the Zijin business building, the Fanya Business building, the Jiahao business building and many big business entities exhibit the out of the common run characteristic. There are 253 shops at the central street; and six among them are large, integrate shopping centers that occupy more than 10 thousand square meters.  
Most of the large shopping centers are situated at both sides of the street; small markets selling different kinds of things are situated in bystreets.
Large-scale integrate shopping centers
The shopping center of Shenyang (沈阳商业城): It has been on the list of the biggest ten business companies of the country for four years. It occupies 115,000 square meters. It has kept in touch with thousands of famous companies all over the world for many years. It sells more than 100,000 kinds of famous items of our country, even the world.
The second shopping center: It situated where the old and famous cloth shop Jishun has been. It is one of the shopping centers that maintain the original construction style at the central street; and it is on the list of city preserved monuments. It occupies 10,000 square meters. It is good place for business. As the saying goes “the auspicious accompanies the seasons, you will receive money by the way”. 吉随春夏秋冬转,顺受东西南北财
The Xinglong square (the eastern Asia square): It is the biggest mall of Asia. The service establishments constitute of shopping, lying fallow and entertainment.
Fanya business center: It occupies 11,000 square kilometers. It constitute of gold shop department, clothing shop department, footwear and headwear shop department, root carving and strange stones shop department and the supermarket of Korean merchandises. The business center primarily sells middle and top grade commodities. It is an unique and creative business department with multifunction.
The Zhengchang sun Eden square: It occupies 100,000 square meters. It is a 8-floor building, with 2 storeys beneath the ground and 6 above. The square develops according to the trend of the economy; and provides large-scale entertainment items.
Jiahao business center: It occupies 100,000 square meters; and is a ten-storey building. The design style from ground floor to the fourth floor is according to the American shopping center criterion. It is clear and elegant. The second phase construction will provide the space for lying fallow, entertainment, shopping. The service items involve flavor and gourmet, entertainment square, hanging garden, the bar, the hanging natatorium, luxury hotel, the presidential suite and many other service items.


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发表于 2006-3-17 19:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
Taiyuan Street business region
Good morning everyone, it is weekend now, do you have planned how to spend these precious two days. If you are in Shenyang or you want to go to Shenyang, I will give you a advice about where to go today.

No matter if you have been to Taiyuan Street of Shenyang, if you know something about Shenyang, you must know Taiyuan Street.
The Taiyuan Street business region situated in front of the Shenyang railway station (the station was called the southern railway station of Shenyang ten years ago.). It is very busy there; it is really a hot place. So many people go through there or strolled around there from dawn until dark, even during midnight everyday.
It situated right beside the Taiyuan Street, it was opened in December the tenth, 1987 with an investing of 130 million RMB and occupied 54,000 square meters. There are more than 3 thousand crews. The items in it are more than 86,000. I do not always go there, not to mention purchasing something. I have to admit that the items there are superb, but the prices are beyond my acceptable level. The building is gorgeous. The first floor sells mainly cosmetics and jewelries made of gold, platinum, silver etc. I go there to see different kinds of mobile phones sometimes. The clothing there is very good, with high quality, also high price.
Shenyang parkson situated one the other side of Zhonghua Road. The appearance of the building is unique. The items in it are a little cheaper compared with Zhongxing mall. I always went there, with my girl friend of course. We went there to see the clothing, for her most of the time.
I always go there if I go to Shenyang. I like the big televisions there, they are so expensive, I hope I am able to afford one of them in the future.
The northern bookshop.
The place I love the most in Shenyang, I ways go there with a beverage, select one book, then sit down to view it, I seldom buy them. No money.
The Taiyuan Street is so famous, I can not describe it concisely, so come here to see it in person please.


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发表于 2006-3-18 19:04:16 | 显示全部楼层
Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, is one of the "Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi).

Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower.

According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower".

Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one.The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city.

Admission Fee:    RMB 50
Bus Route:    64, 36, 12, 49, 15
Tourist Bus Route:    1


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发表于 2006-3-18 19:12:18 | 显示全部楼层
Yueyang Pavilion (Yueyang Lou) is the major landmark of Yueyang City, comparable with Tengwang Pavilion and Huanghe Pavilion. Similar with the other two, Yueyang Pavilion became famous for a famous poem too. When rebuilt in 1045, Fang Zhongyan was invited to write a poem in memory of the event. In his poem, Fang described the beauty of the structure and indicated his concern about the country and people. The poem was applauded and won the pavilion great fame. A Qing Dynasty wooden screen inscribed with the poem is housed in the pavilion. The present complex was rebuilt in 1867.

Admission Fee:    46
Bus Route:    2,9,15


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发表于 2006-3-18 23:16:49 | 显示全部楼层
The ancient city of jiaohe

    The ancient city of jiaohe is located in the yarnaz valley 13 kilometers west of turpan city at the elevation of 100 meters. Jiaohe’s name in the uygur language is yerkoltu,means cliff city.the remains of the old city are the lodest and the best preserved examples of clay construction of that type in the world. It was built on a loess plateau, takes a shape of a willow leaf surrounded by two revers.one rever rises to the north and the two revers join to the south.ground lever in the city is 30 meters above the water surface of the river.in ancient times the river used to be 30 meters deep. Jiaohe city now covers an area of 0.43 million square meters.two gates are still visible ,the south gate and the east gate.the ruins of building s are divided basically into three large areas:the eastern section,the western section and the religious section.once there are more than 7000 people living in this city during its most flourishing period from records. If you have bird’s view to the whole ruins,you can find the architectural style of the ancient city of jiaohe differed from that of the city of gaochang ,just it features some typical elements of the tang dynasty. Maybe someone ask whe the city become ruins,yes this is historical question; from the recors the jiaohe was destroyed by fire ina a similar manner to gaochang at the end of the thirteenth century. In 1961 the ancient city of jiaohe was classified as an important cultural unit protected by the state. Ok,so much today.

Accommodation: turpan hotel
Route: take a bus from urumuqi city to turpan city
Best time: from may to october

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发表于 2006-3-18 23:25:55 | 显示全部楼层
Danxia Mountain

Chinese red stone park-Danxia Mountain, is located within the boundaries of Shaoguan city, the area 290 square kilometers, is the biggest and the  beautiful scenic spot in Guangdong Province.Since 1988, Danxia Mountain is evaluated separately the national scenic spot area, the state-level geology landform nature protection area, national AAAA level tourist area, the national geology park, the world geology park.  

  Danxia Mountain is the world "Danxia landform" naming place. Danxia Mountain goes against, the body is composed of more than 680  foothill,which is red gravel rock constitution."Color like deep red", take the red wall and cliff as the haracteristic.
According to the geologist studies indicated that, In the world had discovered  more than 1,200 place Dan rosy cloud landform, Danxia Mountain is the growth most typical, the type most complete, the modelling is richest, the scenery most exquisite Dan rosy cloud landform centralized distribution area.

apart from the now for 140 million years toto 70 million years, the Danxia Mountain area is a large-scale inland basin, the the Himalayas orogenesis influence, all around the mountainous region intensely sticks out, in the basin accepts the massive caustic deposit, has formed the great thick red stratum;Apart from now around 7000 years, the earth's crust rise but receives gradually corrodes. Apart from the now for 6 million years, the basin has many times the intermittent rise, probably every ten thousand years rise equally 1 meter, at the same time the running water undercuts the corrosion, the Dan rosy cloud red rock is cut red mountain group, also is the present Danxia Mountain area.

  Danxia Mountain in aspect the and so Research on stratum, structure, landform performance, growth process, camp action of force as well as natural environment, ecology evolution of Danxia Mountain most detailed and thorough in the national Dan rosy cloud landform area, already became national and even the world Dan rosy cloud landform research base as well as the popular science education and the teaching practice base.

The Danxia Mountain existing Buddhism supplementary biography imperial sacrifices temple as well as more than 80 place cave temples ruins, all previous dynasties writer literati has left behind many legendary stories, the poetry and the inscription
carved on a cliff face carved stone in here, has the enormous historical culture value
Accommodation: hua sheng hotel(4 star)
Ticket :100-120 yuan/person  


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发表于 2006-3-19 01:00:10 | 显示全部楼层
The Seven Star Crag
The Seven Star Crag scenic spot is located the Zhaoqing by the northern 4 kilometers place, its scenery famous. on by "the peak danger, the hole was wonderful since old times, the temple ancient" .The scenic area has mainly included the star lake and seven mountain peaks, they resemble big dipper to scatter in the lake, thus acquires fame; Star lake smoke wave vast, the total area amounts to 6.49 million square meters long, the lake dike amounts to more than 20 kilometers, the string gets up a number Paris green island, the scenery is extremely pleasant, the national physical culture commission constructs in this lake rows a boat the base.

Seven Star Crag basically divides into two lines, may from east to west carry on the tour. Seven crags are the wind crag, the jade curtain crag, the stone chamber crag, the sky stele crag, the toad rock, the immortal palm crag and the Arab League slope crag. The peak crag rises steeply steep, enchanting is varied, resembles the embellishment in sky big dipper, therefore calls Seven Star Crag. Has the crag to have to have the hole. The star lake best lies in the crag peak and the grotto. In has the tropics characteristic in the peak forest rocky mountain terrain, is composed the crag pinnacle hole by the limestone, just like embellishes in on group star in the lake.

These stand rock-firm the limestone peak, depends on the mountain at the same time, three surrounded by water, the lake water area amounts to more than 7,000 Chinese acres, the total length reaches more than 20 kilometers willow trees dikes, winds to interlock is surrounding Seven Star Crag, stone chamber richest is rich in poetic and artistic flavor. Presently is the national key scenery scenic spot area scenic spot.

  The star lake main scenic spot includes:
  The water moon palace was situated at south the Seven Star Crag central area stone chamber crag of the foothill, the beginning constructs in the  Ming dynasty Wanli three years (in 1574). The water moon palace occupying a land area of 6,000 square meters, the floor space 2,500 square meters, by the main hall, the east wing, the west building, the rear palace and so on are composed.

Because stood has the height 6 meter, the weight 7 tons brass casting images of Buddha touches an advantage day but to be well-known province Hong Kong and Macao and the Southeast Asia various countries. The water moon palace originally is the Goddess of Mercy hall, constructs in  Ming dynasty Jiaqing (1522-1566 year), but "year after year folds for the wind and rain", the latter officials and people "are glad hasten the matter", then (in 1574) the winter "warded off in the  Ming dynasty Wanli two years broadly elevates, the strong site unfolded the base". It is reported, the Goddess of Mercy can appear 32 kinds differently to be supposed to melt the appearance, the appearance is noblest and purest by "the moon reflection in the water", because of "water moon". After the palace completes folds again for the wind and rain.  Ming dynasty Chongzhen nine (in 1636), Guangdong and Guangxi Governor Xiong Wen Can leaned counts ten thousand silver reconstruction. In 1943, the water moon palace suffered the Japanese invaders to raid blows up.In 1957, the water moon palace reconstructed again according to the original design. The water moon palace area 6,000 square meters, the floor space 2,500 square meters, are the reinforced concrete in the style of antiquity palace type structures, by the main hall, the east wing, the west building, the rear palace 4 parts is composed: The main hall, the colored glaze live the splendor magnificently, is majestic; East and west wings, fine plain, constructs the winding corridor to be connected; The rear palace, two building store heights pavilions, construct according to the crag in the catwalk. The water moon palace main hall past has touches the advantage day Bodhisattva (height 6 meters) to accompany two days females (height 5 meters), the gilded image gorgeously, barefoot stands like a tripod; Touches advantage day both eyes to stare slightly to under, the smile, good-natured, is gentle, lintel announcement "sea of bitterness kind navigation". The image of Buddha cast in Ming dynasty Chongzhen nine (in 1636), for commended Zheng Zhilong to touch an advantage day to bless fragrant defeats Liu to cast. What a pity the original casting completely has destroyed in "the Great Cultural Revolution" in roaring flame. Now saw to touched an advantage day to accompany two days females is in 1986 the casting replica. The water moon palace has the red ocher wall to encircle. In the wall in front of the main hall, is equipped with the garden type garden, four o'clock struggles colorfully fights Li; Outside the wall in front of the front door, plants has hundred years ancient banyan tree 6, complicate, the branches and leaves are luxuriant.

•Ticket:50 Yuan /person (scenic spot needs other charge)
•Transportation information
From Guangzhou to Zhaoqing three hours trip, in front of the Zhaoqing train station ‘s welcomes guests main road not far away is Seven Star Crag approximately; Local Zhaoqing has the bus, surrounds the lake traveling express car, the taxi and traffic ships all goes directly to in the scenic area. Holds a meeting extremely to be all convenient.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-19 15:00:46 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-3-19 15:51:44 | 显示全部楼层
Baiyun Mountain

  Baiyun Mountain is situated in north of Guangzhou, the area is 28 square kilometers, the prominent peak Moxing ridge, its elevation is382 meters, the history calls "the South of china first mountain". Also called "Guangzhou first graceful area", Which is composed by more than 30 mountain peaks. When you climb up you can look at the whole city, looks out Pearl River. Whenever after the rain the clear sky or the late spring season, the ravine white clouds synthesis circles, mountain name comes from this phenomenon.

Baiyun Mountain is the famous scenery paradise since the ancient times, " the Run fountainhead", "the white clouds late look", "the Jingtai turn over to increase" and so on to include "the Guangzhou eight scenery". Baiyun Mountain divides into the summit, Huang grandmother hole, the foothill lake three scenic spots, The summit scenic spot is best. On the mountain the extant historical site has PU gorge, hands down the room lives in seclusion the institute for Daizheng at Qin dynasty; Nine dragon spring ,hands down from Qin dynasty, some more than 2,000 years histories. Also has the Ming Dynasty singing girl Zhangerqiao grave,the world calls the hundred flowers tomb. Qing Dynasty black flag armed forces' Liu Yongfu book "the tiger" the character carves, the shape like live tiger plate stands. Also has the drop aquiferous rock, the white clouds dawn looks, the white clouds late looks at, scenery and so on Lingnan first peak, pearl building, moon reflection in the water Chinese style pavilion. Among "the white clouds late look" front are near the precipice, leans against a railing looks out into the distance, the Pearl River like belt, the Guangzhou scenery gets a panoramic view.

Baiyun Mountain is a natural scenery botanical garden and the traveling summer resort, the development had more than 1,000 years history until now. Presently the development is six tours areas: The pearl building tour area, Moxing ridge area, three ranges tour area, the cry spring the valley tour area, flies the goose range tour area and the foothill lake tour area. Except that the original scenery observes and emulates the star range, the white clouds dawn to look, the white clouds late looks, the Lingnan first peak, white clouds pine Tao, the mountain village hotel, the pine Tao other courtyard, the pearl building, the deer calls the wineshop, outside the white clouds immortal hall, the nearly more than 10 years additionally built the white clouds rope way, the cry spring the valley (the Asian biggest birdcage), the Guangzhou stele forest, have been able the kind temple, the golf course, the Xinghai garden, to rape scenic area scenic spot and so on garden, sculpture park, white clouds chute.
Baiyun Mountain is authorized by the Guangdong Province government for the first batch of provincial level scenery scenic spot area. "famous mountains there is no place does not live the cloud, here white clouds monopolizes spring", is the dialogue to the mountain scenic spot best portrayal. In recent years opened north the summit and the mountain the park, has constructed the garden type mountain village hotel, the double brook villa, the pine Tao other courtyard and the view bird garden. Every year lunar calendar on September 9 the double ninth festival, can have many people to ascend Baiyun Mountain. Goes to the Baiyun Mountain best early morning to embark, at that time on mountain air specially fresh, the scenery very is also beautiful. In Baiyun Mountain also has the mountain slippery grass, 1,400 meters chutes, sports entertainment project and so on .
Transportation: Has very many kind of moves to Baiyun Mountain, may to Yuehua road ride Baiyun Mountain's express car; Also may ride 11 groups automobiles and walk again to the Shahe road climbs mountains; Also may ride 24, 199, 223, 36, 285, 540 groups automobiles to Yuntai garden, then rides the cable car (span 1,672 meters) to climb mountains. Baiyun Mountain delivers passes conveniently, south may go by car from the foothill lake toward the summit park, west has Che bus to the husband's mother hole and the mountain the park, the southeast has the Baiyun Mountain south gate, east has the plum garden main road.

ticket:5 yuan/person


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发表于 2006-3-19 15:55:29 | 显示全部楼层
The astana-karahoji ancient tombs

     The astana tombs are known as the underground museum and are highly regarded by Chinese and foreign archaeologists and historians.they are 40kilometers southeast of turpan city and 2 kilometers from the ancient city of gaochang.astana means capital in uygur.the associated name ,karahoja,is that of a legendary hero of the ancient uygur kingom who removed curses placed on people by killing avicious dragon. Now astana and karahoja are now the names of the two local villages in turpan.
  There are more than 400 tombs which have have been excavated by government since 1950.theis site is about 5 kilo,eters from east to west and 2 kilometers south to north with an area of 10square kilometers.it’s elevation is 25 meters below the sea level .
  From the records socal and public ceremonies were hold here by nobles,officials and others from gaochang  during the western jin dynasty until the middle tang dynasty .perhaps some noe ask which nationality buried here ,han or minority? The answer is that most han people lived here. Other minorities are cheshi,di,xianbei,gauche and zhaowujiuxing and so on.
The tombs  here are far cry from the it inland.almost all of the corpse in these tombs have not rotted,instead the bodies have become deseccated,and are complete and intact.this phenomenon is most unusual.bodies are preserved without the need for the mummification found in the pyramids of Egypt. Nene out of ten we thanks to the dry and hot climate ,many paintings and thousands of other excavated cultural relics are well preserved and as colorful as new ones.
Ok,just write here, I want to have lunch. I hope friends inland come to tour xinjiang .

Accommodation: turpan hotel
Route :take a long-distance bus from urumqi to turpan.
Best time for sightseeing: summer

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