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[[小语种资源]] 第十一期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

发表于 2006-5-8 23:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
Nowadays, more and more young people are not interested in political affairs.They are more care about how to earn more money,how to play,and so on.They think they are not related with political affairs.The political affairs are far away with them. they think it is the business of the politician.With the development of the society, more and more funny things were found.There are more interesting than politics. So young people like spend their time rather on them than on politics. Of course,some young people will say"we are interested in political affairs".In fact,most of them want to get benefits with it.But not really care about political affairs.
  In my opinion, most of young people do not care about political affairs do not mean they are not love our country.Every young people want our country stronger than  American and other countries.They like fashion activities just because they meet the youths mind.So young people like them.

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发表于 2006-5-9 10:44:22 | 显示全部楼层
Some one said that more and more young people are not interested in political affairs. I disagree to that opinion.
What about the political affairs? What is the meaning that young people take part in the political affairs? Because it is not clear about such problems, so some people think that young people show little interesting in political affairs. In my opinion, political affairs include many aspects things. For example, patriotism, collectivism, sense of righteousness and so on. All of things refer to political affairs. In our society, many young people hate Japanese, and condemn Japanese government, because they don’t confess to their historical crimes of invading china. In many college and university, young students organize protesting activity in kinds of forms.
Sure, young people show their high interesting in popular songs, in soccer stars, in movie stars and so on. The reason is that they are in their young age and resonated by those programs. The phenomena is not account for that they don’t like political affairs. For instance, a famous female movie star Zhang Ziyi, playing a movie scene in which she sleeps with a Japanese man, are condemned by all of Chinese young people. What will we say about that? Even if young people, maybe all of young people like movie, like popular songs, like dance, you should say that they don’t like political affairs.
We love our country, love our people, and like to do more things for other people. This is the most political affairs. Do you think so?

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发表于 2006-5-9 16:10:48 | 显示全部楼层
There goes an old saying in China that“he who is learningful and knowledgeable goes in for politics ”. in history, especially in recent and modern times of China, the youth have always been the pioneers of political renovation, say, the famous May 4th Movement. Nowadays, however, it seems that the youth of China are more and more disinterested in politics.
Why? What’s the cause of the phenomenon? The friends above have given profuse reasons, and I can’t agree more with them, among whom, especially windancer, who said that“most of us (the young people )are too young to talk about the politics”.
Besides all mentioned factors like “politics is too dirty and the youth disgust it” and “we don’t have enough freedom to talk about politics” and “the prime task for the youth is to learn professional knowledge rather than care about state affairs”, there might be ,in my opinion, one more reason, that is , our country is more stable and powerful than anytime else in history.
I don’t know it’s a rule or not, that, from a historical view, people always tend to pay more attention to politics in bad times than in good times. When time is good, most of the ordinary multitudes just want to make more money and enjoy their lives. Politics is just gossips after dinner or during coffee break. Even those crucial international affairs , say, USA assaulting on Iraq, feel as remote for us as a war movie. I surmise, only when they were pushed by tight times and believed that something had to be changed, would the people, especially the youth, turn to politics again.

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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-5-9 21:22:15 | 显示全部楼层


引用第1楼tjbnbnbn2006-04-30 14:05发表的“”:
Absolutely most of young people never pay any attention to political affairs.

“They are not willing to spend any time or energy on “useless” things. So they don’t care who the prime minister be, but they do care about the interest rate. In a word, politics doesn’t belong to the young people!”

引用第3楼travis2006-04-30 15:30发表的“”:
I believe that among the young people, there are no less "experts" on politics than "experts" on football or music. Maybe fans of politics do not look as crazy as music fans, but when they do demonstrate on the street, like the anti-Jap demonstration last year, they have significant effects, which should make the music fans blushing.

引用第4楼论文2006-04-30 17:28发表的“”:
I think young people here in china pay little attention to politics. Just give you an example, if you ask a young man who is Zhou jie-lun or who is Yaoming, he may answer your question without hesitation, but if you ask who is the priminister of India, our neighborhood country of Asia, he may not give the right answer.  
  Because of inefficiency or incompleteness of political systems, young people find they can not affect or change anything; this situation makes them feel frustrated, they always say politics is not the game of ours, it belongs to the rich. They will give up there interest in politics.

引用第5楼zqwbs2006-04-30 21:29发表的“”:
      I do not agree with the point of view that the yong people in the world have less politics.  For the reason,  In my opinion,  there are many aspect in the whole concept of politics,  such as:  economics,  science,  technoloy,  and so on,  of course including culture(especially idolater in  sportsdom or  amusementdom).

引用第6楼wantpen2006-04-30 21:44发表的“”:
Many people claim that politics is far from their life and they further claim that young people today are less interested in politics than in other things. However, such a claim hardly holds water.
    For one thing, politics , in its broad sense, finds its expression in every walk of life and every corner of the world. ...Who can deny that these domino effects should be attributed to the new policies in education adopted by our government? And policy making IS politics.Therefore, politics exists just aroud you no matter you have interest in it or not.
    What's more, those who claim that young people lack interest in politics only have skin-deep observations. ...Admittedly, most young people do not have politics as their life-long career and professional young statesmen are rare.Such low degree of involvement may not result from their indifference to politics. ... Political enthusiasm in young people has  proved to be a double-edged sword in history.
   It is not difficult to detect young people's zest in politics. Ask any young man on the street how he thinks of corruption in China, you are sure to get a wonderful lecture, even better than most scholars who specializ in such reseach. A typical place you can always appreciate young political interest is the Internet, which abounds with pages and BBSes on political issues.Once I heard a rap (with flash) criticizing Chen Shuibian, the political leader in Taiwan, and that song was coposed by a college student in Nanjing.

   (Similar to this , some young man has explored a flash game "Throw Xiaoquan (Japanese prime minister") . In that game the player uses his or her mouse to throw Xiaoquan here and there with happiness._ynylb)
   It is an ignorance to claim that young people today lack interest in  politics.People may not talk about something, but it does not really mean they don't give it a damn!

引用第8楼hddmail1262006-05-01 14:44发表的“”:
We don't talk about political affairs too much not because we are indifferent to them, but because we're more rational than our predecessors,and we regard politics as serious matter that can not be chatted about as entertainments.
With the development of our country, we are suffering more pressure than our predecessors.So compared to our pedecessors,we have to pay more attention to our work. And we're not robots,we need entertainments to recover from tiredness after hard work.And of course,we need to make friends.But if we chatted too much about politics,we might be looked upon as maniacs and left alone.That's not what we want.So we talk about our hobbies.
If anyone wants to prove i'm wrong,just find me a college student who doesn't know that the war the United States launched against Iraq had impact on global economy.

引用第13楼windancer2006-05-05 19:47发表的“”:
Most of us don't want to talk about the politics.We have freedom to talk about the films,music,football and other  entertainment....But when it comes to politics,it's different .
In my opinion,most of us (the young people )are too young to talk about the politics.... So we have interest in political affairs,but most of us talked about politics  is the internnational affairs and the news we see from the newspaper.  
...But in our heart,wu care about the political affairs,we care about the Taiwan affair.we care about the Japan and American political policy to our country.

引用第14楼agldacheng2006-05-06 08:40发表的“”:
If you pay attention to the context of the discussion of the youths whenever they argue about something, the are always topics related to the politics of our country, even the world. Have you ever heard of the youths talk about something like this? The relationship between Japan and China; should we boycott the Japanese items. How the South Korea behave facing the outrageous activities of Japanese.
You will always hear that ,that means today’s youth care about the politics of our country. May they do not recognize some issues deeply.

引用第15楼swiminair2006-05-07 03:04发表的“”:
Most young people do not like involving in political affairs.

First, due to the complicated politic situation both at home and abroad, politic affairs is too much difficult to understand, and the different people and experts have different opinions on the same issue, even different countries have their different stand

Second, the most important thing for the youths is how to survive in the world, so their first target is to find a job to gain earning to maintain the necessary living for food and accommodation.

Third, if young people have no problem for livings, so they may have much more easy and interesting choice than politic issues.  

Finally, young people are always the fashion chaser. They are pay more attention to the fashion activities to avoid any out-dated which just meets the youths mind.

引用第16楼xokknight2006-05-07 15:19发表的“”:
I don't think the reason of young people do not talk about politics is less of interesting.
And why young people avoid  to talk politicis nowadays?
I think there Historical, educational and governmental reasons.

引用第21楼zhshg2006-05-09 10:44发表的“”:
Sure, young people show their high interesting in popular songs, in soccer stars, in movie stars and so on. The reason is that they are in their young age and resonated by those programs. The phenomena is not account for that they don’t like political affairs. For instance, a famous female movie star Zhang Ziyi, playing a movie scene in which she sleeps with a Japanese man, are condemned by all of Chinese young people. What will we say about that?

Similar to the aforementioned case, once while Zhao Wei was having a vocal concert in a city of China, she was bedabbled with human excrement. Why? Because she wear the coat made of Japanese national flag.
引用第22楼lesenhower2006-05-09 16:10发表的“”:
From a historical view, people always tend to pay more attention to politics in bad times than in good times. When time is good, most of the ordinary multitudes just want to make more money and enjoy their lives. Politics is just gossips after dinner or during coffee break. Even those crucial international affairs , say, USA assaulting on Iraq, feel as remote for us as a war movie. I surmise, only when they were pushed by tight times and believed that something had to be changed, would the people, especially the youth, turn to politics again.

In conclusion, the young seem not to be interested in politics, their passion for politics differ from that of entertainments. However, this is only the appearance. According to this phenomenon we cannot reach a conclusion that the youth are not concerned about politics. Beyond the superficial phenomenon are some deep and complicated reasons, including historical,social and cultural reasons.

Somebody says there are only two things that Chinese are full of imagination, sex and politics. While being in the ivory tower, the reality seems so far away from their living. Once they enter the real society and got a job, some of them, if not all, will be more and more interested in politics. They have nowhere to hide since politics is here and there and in kinds of appearance. Politics is closely related to our livings and so many things are up to it.

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sant 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-5-10 21:30:57 | 显示全部楼层
Nowadays, young people in China, the so-called New-New-People generation, have little passion for politics. For some time they may keep an eye on some political issues, such as corruption or Taiwan, but for most of the time most of them are talking about football or basketball games, popular singers or film stars, new IT products or even luxuries. They are labelled as "self-centered, only care for his/her own need" etc.

Of course, such accusation is unfair and prejudicial. But at the same time it also revealed some truth: Compared with the young generation in the 1980's, the youth in today's China get involved in political issues to a less and less degree.

Why is that?

In the 1980's when China just took up its Reform-and-Opening-up policies, there were many political obstacles in the upper class and nobody know what the future would be. Under such circumstances, many young people in universities got  involved in political issues. They strongly urged the government to curb corruption and advocated further reform.
Things are totally differernt today: In 2006, China's economy is on the fast track and is the fifth largest one in the world. We all know where to go: to build a market-oriented economy and make people rich. The government expects more consumption by the youth to fuel economic growth rather than their support for political issues.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-10 21:34:58 | 显示全部楼层
引用第23楼ynylb2006-05-09 21:22发表的“”:




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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-5-10 22:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
引用第25楼sddz2006-05-10 21:34发表的“”:



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发表于 2006-5-11 03:11:18 | 显示全部楼层

Many people claimed that the young generation in China are indifferent to political affairs nowadays. As far as I am concerned, it depends on how you define "politics".

Several posts above define "politics" as influencing governmental policy or holding control over a government, or things like that. Indeed many political activities were characterized by artful and often dishonest practices. That's an important reason why young people feel disgust about politics.

But maybe we should not define "politics" in such a narrow-minded manner. In my opinion, politics is simply a kind of competition between competing individuals or groups for their own rights or interest. Actually politics is in our everyday life.

Unlike those in 1980's, today the youth get involved in poltical issues in a different manner. Whether they like it or not, they must face the high fee for high education, high unemployment rate, high cost of living including housing and medicaid problems. You can see many such complains in nearly every forum on the internet which sometimes can make things different (for example: http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2006-05-10/18398889004s.shtml). This is a case in point of young people's  widespread involvement in the political process in China.

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发表于 2006-5-11 08:33:10 | 显示全部楼层
I agree that more and more young people are not interested in Politics, and it is becoming a fashion, if you talk about the politics,some people may laugh at you. I think there are three reasons resulted in this situation.

First, government should be responsible for it , the govenment should  guide the young people to the right way, nowadays , we did not hear anything good in politics, people dead for politics , and of course , most are innocent people, they were fooled by the politics, so politics needs transparent, we want to know the truth ,at least have the right to know.The govenment can not cover the boiling water , by pressing it. You should let it go, and guide it in the right way.

second, the new generation young people become more and more selfish,they only concern about themselvies, but they don't know how to take care of themselvies.I have heard about a lot of  stories about the young students who studing abroad, one is that a girl don't know that frying egg needs to put in oil, the other one go home because it is too cold in school.what they care about is  how to chase a beautiful girl  , how get a lot of money without pay any effort. Here, I want to mention that , 'one child policy' is the one of the roots of the problem, youny people used to be the centre of the family, they don't need to do any thing, and they get everything they want, sooner or later , the society will suffer  from that police.

Finally,family should be the part of the reasons.Every young person growes up in a family , no mater it is big or small. so the parents will affect the behavers of their children, if the parents are talking about the politics all the time, their children will show some interest on it.that is why Bush 's son is the president too, i think the family is the most important reason.

All in all, altough few young people show passions in politics, we should not be despaired,
cause the polics is few people' work, only few poeple can be politicians, most of people are the followers. if we guide the young people in the right way , if evey family pay attenion to this issue , more and more young poeple will join in the politics.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-12 21:28:17 | 显示全部楼层

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