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[[小语种资源]] 【真人照片交流】五一出游风景介绍(附对应风景地的本人留念照片)(2威望)

发表于 2006-4-29 22:00:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式







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发表于 2006-4-30 14:14:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-4-30 15:15:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-5 15:01:01 | 显示全部楼层
Gulangyu is located southeast of Xiamen island, only separates a strip width 600 meter Lujiang with the Xiamen island, It take you 5 minutes to reach there by ferries Gulangyu old name "round sandbar",the Ming Dynasty renames "Gulangyu". because the island Southwest has a reef, whenever rises the tide to well up, the wave strikes the reef, the sound resembles beats a drum, the people call "drum wave stone", Gulangyu therefore but acquires fame.

The end of the Ming dynasty, national hero Zheng Chenggong once stationed troops in this, on sunlight crag still remaining naval exercise area, Shi Zhaimen former site. In 1842, after the Opium War, England, America, Germany,  Portugal, Holland and so on 13 countries once set up the consulate on the island, at the same time, the merchant, the missionary, the slave trader stepped Gulangyu in abundance, constructed the mansion, the church, manages the business firm, construct the hospital, runs the school, sells the laborer, established "consular body". In December, 1942, Japan monopolized Gulangyu; After the Sino-Japanese War victory, Gulangyu only then finished more than 100 years colonial rule history.

The Gulangyu area only 1.91 square kilometers, are a biggest star island of Xiamen, resident 20,000 people. On the island the rock is towering, tall and straight, because the island is swatted the ocean waves, forms many glens and the steep cliff, the sand beach, the reef, the cliff, the crag peak, forms a nice contrast.
Gulangyu street is short, spreads across, clean and quiet, the trees are green on the island all years, specially the red tile of building and the green tree serve as contrast, to appear especially attractively.
The Gulangyu building row after row, complements in tropics, Asian tropical forest , sunlight crag peaks tower magnificently, the group of gull soars in the sky... ... All composes a beautiful picture scroll.
Gulangyu is "musician cradle", "island of piano", small Gulangyu has 600 piano, its density occupies crown of the national. So long as you stroll on each quoin, can often hear delightful sound of pianos, the melodious violin sound, lively sound of guitar, the moving exquisite singing sound, performs ocean waves ryhthm, the environment is specially enchanting. Music, has become Gulangyu the specially gorgeous scenery line.



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发表于 2006-5-8 23:22:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-9 12:39:53 | 显示全部楼层
[fly]A tour to HuangLongXi—an old town[/fly]

Huanglongxi,an old town, is seated near ShuangLiu county, ChengDu city. You can take a bus, which directly goes to the town, at Xinnanmen station, or you can ride to HuaYang county first, as we did, and change a bus to the old town.
As soon as getting off the bus, we were exposed to the hot sun and were a little bit daunted. Then  the villagers solved the problem for us—they provided us with a crown made of herb and flowers, shaded in which, the sun felt no longer scorching.
The town is famous for its ancient flavor, which has remained intact for ages. Walking on the old street made up of cobbles and gravels, surrounded by old architectures with primary tiles and flying eaves, we were overwhelmed by an illusion of returning to ancient times. Such a feeling redoubled when we saw the old , even a little shabby shops, in which a diversity of rare articles, like straw sandals , swords and flutes were sold, and especially when we encounter the old stone mill, which had been used for hundreds of years to make DouHua from beans. Furthermore, quite a few artists were showing their stunts by the street. One could sculpt characters on a little grain and another could quickly draw you a cartoon who looked funny but resembled you to some extent indeed.  In a word , we had come to a place which only had been seen in TV or movies.
By the river, we saw a different scenery. With river flowing leisurely, sails gliding lightly, willows swaying in breeze, it looked like a tiny town in JiangNan, a place I have always dreamed of. People , usually families were sitting by the water , under the shadow of willows, stroked by the cool wind from above the river, enjoying a cup of tea , playing MaJiang or cards, and having quite a pleasant time.
Huanglongxi , an old town , though only a tiny place and not quite famous compared with resorts like JiuZhaigou, is a suitable place for families to spend weekends together. When we were to return in the dusk, a slanting sunset lingered and so did we.



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发表于 2006-5-10 01:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
Taibai Mountain Forest Park is the peak of the Chinling Mountain Range, and is famous for her beautiful scenery. On May the 2nd, we took the Tourist 2 special bus in the Xi'an train station to the Mei County to visit the Taibai Mountain Forest Park. After 3 hours of jeanery we arrived and entered the park with the admission fee of 40yuan per person (student ticket 20% off).
For that we didn’t do enough research on our route, we walked along the road for nearly 5 hours and finally found that it was 50kms to get to the Xiaban Temple. And from the picture you can see that there too many cars to make the traffic jam. We had to get off our bus before our destination and climbed for 1 hour to reach the Xiaban Temple. Along the road, the waterfall deserved a stop for watch.
It was nearly dark when we arrived the Xiaban Temple. From this spot, we can see the snow left on the mountain and the mountains far away. However, the accommodation is very poor, the owner provided no water for wash, in fact most of the visitors did not wash their hands and faces and brush their teeth, and the price of a single man bed was 60yuan per night. The sheets and quilt seemed did not wash for months.
Next morning, we took the cable car to the Shangban Temple after a simple breackfast. Then we walked along the steps and obviously felt the tableland reaction, feeling hard to breathe and face became red and walking slowly. After 2 hours of walking we got the Round Sky and Square Land where the wind was remarkable strong. Along the steps, we can clearly see the snow nearby. The Round Sky and Square Land was the farthest place in this journey for we did not have more money for the remaining journey and some of us were especially tired and cannot catch up with the te
A 2 days journey for vesting Taibai Mountain is not long enough to watch so many great sceneries in the mountain, next time we’ll make a careful plan and choose the best route.


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发表于 2006-5-10 01:27:48 | 显示全部楼层

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