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[[原创地带]] Love and Marriage(大家帮他改改--agldacheng)

发表于 2006-11-8 22:49:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person and their emotion world. A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life. They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related. The common saying \"Love he gives to you is the most important\" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that  the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

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forem 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-11-9 15:05:05 | 显示全部楼层

Love and marriage are not( the )same(kind of )things.

Love only involves two person and their emotion (world). A (men)man  and a woman could fall in love easily when they were attracted  by each other.  However, marriage involves more than that------two (persons's )person's respective parents and other relatives (and ), their feelings, their life, etc . They should consider many more things if they wanted  to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only (responsable) for themselves but also for a good (libraryy )library of things related. The common saying "Love he gives( to )you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no deny(ing) that (the living condition) surviving is (serious) hard in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively lower . We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you wanted  to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is (serious)virtual.

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发表于 2006-11-9 16:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person(persons) and their emotion world. A men(man) and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other.

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发表于 2006-11-9 16:41:54 | 显示全部楼层

Love and marriage are not the same (kind of things觉得可以删除) . Love only involves two person (s) and their emotion world(s) . A men(改为man) and a woman could may fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's(改为their) respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life. (这句修改为:their respective parents and relatives, their feelings and life) They should consider many more things(改为much more) if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable(删除) for themselves but also for a good libraryy (这个词没有看明白)of things related. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious(是不是想说生活条件很重要,或者生活不容易呢,也许用hard比较好) in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious. (用realistic好吗?)

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发表于 2006-11-9 18:21:15 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are different. Love only involves the two persons and their emotional world.A man and a woman would fall in love when are attracted by each other. Howerever, mariage involves more than that -------the two persons's respective parents and relatives, and their fellings and life.Much should be considerd before they want to build a family.Because marriage means responsibility and obligition,not only for themselves but also for a warm harbor.The commom saying "The love he gives to you is the most important" ia actually an excuse of escaping reality.There is no denying that surviving is hard in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is realistic.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-9 18:22:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-11-9 19:42:22 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same thing. Love involves only two person and their emotion world.  The men and the woman can fall in love easily after they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than it, that invole the two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feeling, their life. They would consider many more things if they want to build a family. Marriage means the responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good library which things related. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should recognize that basis of material should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

              红色的地方不知道具体要表达什么意思(居住成本*房屋价格*..)没法改  其他的地方只是简单的修改了下没有大动,整段文章 楼主还是需要重新修整一下语句的逻辑顺序的。

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发表于 2006-11-9 22:41:28 | 显示全部楼层
Let me try!

Love and marriage are not the same kind of things.

Love and marriage are not the same thing.

Love only involves two person and their emotion world.

On one hand, love only involves the two person and their emotion world.

A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other.

When a man and a woman attract each other, they will easily fall in love.

However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life.

However, marriage consists of more than that-such as two couples of two sides' parents, other relatives, their feelings and their life.

They should consider many more things if they want to build a family.

Therefore, the lovers should consider many more things if they want to establish a family.

Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related.

Marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only  for themselves but also for a good library of related things.

The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality.

The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is acually an excuse of escaping reality.

There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low.

There is no denying that the life is hard for a in current modern society. For example, the housing price is dramatically high, while the salary is comparatively low.

We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married.

We have to admit that economic foundation should be taken into consideration, if you want to get married.

Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

Anywan, love is romantic while marriage is realistic.

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发表于 2006-11-10 10:39:19 | 显示全部楼层
Love and Marriage(大家帮他改改--agldacheng)

Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person and their emotion world. A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than that应该是those------two persons's respective 可以删除parents and other their relatives and their feelings, their life可以删除. They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. 意思和上句重复Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related顺序应换过来热lated things. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. 感觉这句话和上下文没有什么联系,也不起过渡作用。加上Besides,因为后面这句和前面的句子表达的主题不一样We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious和romantic相对的不是serious,而应该是realistic.

1. 总体上,既然你写Love and marriage are not the same kind of things,你提到了两样:love 和marriage,而你这篇文章的重心不是放在这两者的比较上,而是在后者marriage上了,这样让外人看不出你到底要表达的中心思想是什么。
2. 再者文章中用蓝色标注的是拼写有误的:person---persons;men---man;persons’s---persons’
3. 这篇小短文没有过渡语句,这样读起来感觉意思的跳跃性特别大。应该考虑在适当的地方加上过渡句或词。

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发表于 2006-11-10 15:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
1.A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other
觉得could 改为 will好一点
2.two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life.
two persons's respective parents改为Both parents ,并且把“ and their feelings”去掉。因为involve somebody’s feelings 总觉得怪怪的。
3.the housing price is rising
Rising 改为soaring up更贴切现在的情况?
4.There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society
Living condition用serious来修饰觉得挺别扭的,但是我想不到有什么词。


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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-11-10 16:21:07 | 显示全部楼层
引用第9楼有来有回2006-11-10 15:21发表的“”:


This article is full of responsibility of marriage, typical of eastern world. Nowdays, there are not only one kind of family. In general, it could be divided into two types, nuclear and extended. The latter is the traditional type, especially in Asia. Only in this situation, the couple care many issues involved his or her spouse's family. While the nulear family focus on their offspring instead.
引用第0楼fylong_20002006-11-08 22:49发表的“Love and Marriage(大家帮他改改--agldacheng)”:
...However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life. They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related. ...

Here, the author mentions the responsibility of marriage and give specific explanation. Anyone with a little care will notices that the so-called marriage responsibility does not include the issue of child or children, which is the most important responsibility. Once having a child, parents always try their best to creat a environment adapted to kid's growing-up. Meanwhile, how to be an useful person in this world is taught. If the couple failed to do so, we could say that they did not fulfil their responsibility. There is an old saying, to bring up a child without education is to raise a pig.

So, you see, the formost responsibility of marriage is that for offspring, western or eastern.

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发表于 2006-11-10 17:30:16 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person and their emotion world. A man(men) and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage means(原为involves.个人觉得用means更贴切) more than that------They must build their family(原句为two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life.我觉得改后能呈上启下且言简意劾,意味深长。). They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for other pepole (a good libraryy of things related改后是否更意义准确). The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is realitic(原为serious,用realitc与romantic对比是否更为明显?).


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发表于 2006-11-10 22:02:27 | 显示全部楼层

Love and marriage are not the same things. Love  involves only two person and their emotion 。 Man and woman could fall in love easily when they were attracted by each other. However, marriage involves  two person's respective parents and other relatives  their feelings, their life, etc . They must consider many more things when they wanted to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only  for themselves but also for a good library of things related. The common saying "Love he gives you is the most important",it  is actually an excuse of escaping reality. It doesn't deny that  surviving is hard in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively lower . We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you wanted to get married. Anyway, love is romantic thing while marriage is virtual one.

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发表于 2006-11-10 22:07:57 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things(可以不要). Love only involves two person and their emotion world. A men(man) and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract (我认为用被动语态好,彼此被对方吸引,are attracted)each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's(persons’) respective parents and other relatives(relative常用作形容词,虽然也可以作名词,我刚开始就理解错了,改为kinsmen好点) and their feelings, their life. They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsible(去掉) for themselves but also for a good libraryy(错的词吧?)(serial) of things related. The common saying "Love he gives to(去掉) you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing’s price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious(realistic).

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发表于 2006-11-12 11:06:55 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are quite different from each other. Love may only involve two persons, a men and a woman, who fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more persons such their parents and other relatives. Love is romantic while marriage is practical. One should take such material things into consideration if they want to get married as the housing price and salaries. Marriage means a kind of responsibility not only for their emotion and feelings, but also for their daily affairs.

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shuiyueqiao 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-11-12 15:31:07 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two persons and their emotion A man and a woman fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than those,such as their  parents and other relatives . They should consider more  if they want to marry. Because they have the  responsability of marriage  The sentance  "Love is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no doubt  that the living stantard  is serious in modern society: the house price is rising but income  is comparatively low. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is practical

唉,我也不知道怎么改,感觉都是中国人在写中国作文一样 的.

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发表于 2006-11-13 09:37:02 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two persons and their emotion world. A men and a woman can fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life. They should consider more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means many kinds of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good library of things related. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" actually is an excuse of escaping the reality. There is no denying that the living conditions are serious in modern society: the housing price is rising quickly but salary is rising  comparatively lowly. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you wanted to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

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lianghhl 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-11-13 11:02:09 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same thing. Love only involves two persons and their emotion world. When a man and a woman attract each other, they will easily fall in love. However, marriage involves more than those-such as two persons' respective parents,other relatives,their feelings and their life. Therefore, the lovers should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only for themselves but also for a good library of related things. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is acually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is hard in modern society. For example, the housing price is rising, while the salary is comparatively low. We have to admit that economic foundation should be taken into consideration, if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is realistic.

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发表于 2006-11-13 13:17:31 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person and their emotion world. A man and a woman will fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage contains more than that------such as two persons' respective parents,other relatives,their feelings and their life.  They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related. The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality. There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising quickly  but salary is comparatively low. We have to admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

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发表于 2006-11-13 14:49:12 | 显示全部楼层
Love and marriage are not the same kind of things. Love only involves two person and their emotion world.

Love and marriage are not the same kinds of things. Always Love related with two persons and their emotional world.

A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they attract each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons's respective parents and other relatives and their feelings, their life.

A men and a woman could fall in love easily when they were attracted by each other. However, marriage involves more than that------two persons' respective parents their relatives and all their feelings and life.

They should consider many more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means a kind of responsibility, not only responsable for themselves but also for a good libraryy of things related.

Furthermore, They should consider more things if they want to build a family. Because marriage means not only responsable for themselves and their liberty, but also means a kind of responsibility for their partner.

The common saying "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality.

It says  "Love he gives to you is the most important" is actually an excuse of escaping reality.

There is no denying that the living condition is serious in modern society: the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We should admit that material foundation should be taken into consideration if you want to get married. Anyway, love is romantic while marriage is serious.

There is no denying that the living condition is dicky in the modern society, such as the housing price is rising but salary is comparatively low. We must admit that material foundation should be taken into the first consideration if you want to get married. In a word, love is romantic while marriage is more than that.


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