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[[原创地带]] 翻译,希望大家指点,自己能得到进步

发表于 2007-2-1 15:07:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是New York Times上的一篇文章,我不是搞翻译的,不过在听了众多搞翻译的人说“要在实践中学习”后,决定下水游泳学习。本人英文水平有限,中文水平也很差啦,可能翻译的让人“不忍目睹”,但还是希望能得到大家的指点,让自己飞速成长(飞速的可能性连我自己的都怀疑,呵呵,像是不大可能)

?At Last, Television Ratings Go to College

??For decades, Nielsen Media Research has affixed the same value to every college student watching television while away at school: zero. As a result, industry executives have complained for years that shows appealing to a younger audience have been underrated.
??But, starting today, college students count.
??几十年来,Nielsen Media Research尼尔森媒介研究一直认为观看电视的在校大学生数为零。因此多年来电视行业的经营者一直抱怨说那些吸引年轻观众的节目被贬低(忽略)了。

??Shows like “America’s Next Top Model” and “Family Guy” are expected to see their ratings surge this week as Nielsen Media Research, a unit of the Nielsen Company, includes the viewing of students living away from home in its count for the first time.
??这周象“America’s Next Top Model” and “Family Guy”(“美国下一个顶级模范”和“家庭成员”)这样的节目收视率将有望上升,因为Nielsen 集团下属公司,Nielsen Media Research尼尔森媒介研究首次在调查数据中涵盖了离家在校住宿的学生。

??In the TV world, a boost in Nielsen ratings often means a boost in advertiser dollars, so the adjusted ratings are good news for networks with high college viewership, like ESPN, Fox and CW.
??在电视领域内,Nielsen收视调查率的增长通常就意味着广告收入的增加,因此调整后的收视调查对那些拥有众多学生观众的电视运营商来说是个好消息,例如ESPN, Fox and CW这样的电视台。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 15:07:55 | 显示全部楼层
Adult Swim, a block of adult programming on the Cartoon Network that expects its 18- to 24-year-old audience to jump by 35 percent with the new ratings, is so excited about the change that it ran an ad telling viewers about it in mid-October.
??根据新的收视率计算方法,Cartoon Network的一档成人节目,成人游泳池,其18至24岁的观众将有望增长35%。对收视率的变化,节目组兴奋不已,以至于它还在10月中旬为此做了一档关于收视率增长的广告。

??“It’s going to validate what advertisers have always assumed, which is that college students are watching our programming,” said Jeff Lucas, a senior vice president at Comedy Central. Mr. Lucas said that the network’s own research shows that “South Park,” “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” and “The Colbert Report” have a large college audience.
??“这将证实广告商一直以来的推测――在校学生观看了我们的节目,”喜剧中心高级副主席Jeff Lucas说。他说电视运营商自己进行的调查表明“South Park” “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” and “The Colbert Report”这些节目都有很大一批学生观众。

??It’s too early to know how much more advertisers will pay for shows with larger audiences because of the college ratings. Network executives, of course, said they expect to be paid for the higher ratings. If advertisers decide to spend more on shows that demonstrate high college viewership, TV networks may decide to dedicate more of their schedule programming to college tastes.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 15:08:34 | 显示全部楼层
The college ratings are the first of two major changes in the way viewing habits are rated. In May, Nielsen will start releasing figures on the number of people who actually watch commercials, separating them from viewers who walk away or switch channels when the ads come on. The potential impact of ad ratings on network revenue has not been calculated.

??Nielsen’s move into colleges is its first step in an ambitious plan to track TV viewing wherever and whenever it takes place. Long focused only on viewing of home television sets, Nielsen is building portable meters to track when people see TV in bars, restaurants, gyms, stores and other places outside the home. And, within two to three years, Nielsen plans to merge data from its online unit with its TV unit to calculate total viewing on all media.

??“The holy grail here is how to measure consumers as they go from TV to iPod to cellphone and back,” said Alan Wurtzel, president of research for NBC Universal.
??“现在未涉及的领域是如何计算那些从电视收看转移到iPod和手机收看,以及从iPod和手机转移到电视的观众群,” NBC美国国家广播公司 Universal研究部主席Alan Wurtzel说。

??But the first step — measuring students’ viewing of television — comes with its own pitfalls. College students still watch a significant amount of television, spending three and a half hours a day tuned in on average, about an hour less than all people on average, according to Nielsen.

??But college students are not watching only TV. They are also among the most likely consumers to be browsing the Internet, watching streaming video, text messaging on their cellphones and playing video games — sometimes all at once.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-1 15:10:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-2-1 19:28:04 | 显示全部楼层
只看了第一篇, 总体来说翻译得很好, 但发现了两个小问题:

1. for decades 应该是"数十年"的意思.

2. boost应该是"快速增长"的意思, 应该有一个速度上的修饰.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-2 11:16:19 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 16:34:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-2-7 17:05:37 | 显示全部楼层
America's Next Top Model:google一下,就知道不是“下一个模范”。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 17:06:45 | 显示全部楼层
名字我都是自己先乱整的,主要是 怕把意思弄错了

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发表于 2007-2-7 17:21:07 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-2-26 08:23:52 | 显示全部楼层

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