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[[语言学天地]] [其他]English lesson 1

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(English lesson 1)



我教英文都很成功的,因为我不是像其他老师从 article – a , an , the 教起。我是从华校生都有的通病弱点着手,让你一次就解决完你的英文问题。立即得到立竿见影的功效。

而且关于 tenses, 我会缩短的、简单的描述让你明白原来 tenses 就是这样用。不像一般参考书,讲了半天,我越听越昏,不但不明白,而且从此以后我不再碰英文了。




学英语要有系统。首先,华校生要懂的是 gerund , participles , infinitives . 它告诉你为什么 “动词 + ing” 可以放在句子的前面。 >> Swimming is a good sport . (注释:“动词 + ing” 的意思是 “swim + ing = swimming , run + ing = running , watch + ing = watching , drinking ….等等 . 〕

因为,自小我们所学的都是 “动词 + ing”  放在句子中间的。比如说, He is swimming / I am running .可是为什么,从几何时 ,“动词 + ing”  可以放在句子的前面?比如,Swimming is a good sport . 或者 Hearing a knock , I opened the door . 或者  Strictly speaking , he is not an artist .  为什么句子可以这样呢?

gerunds , participles , infinitives 会解释给你听。


现在我来教你 gerunds , participles , infinitives

要学 gerunds , participles , infinitives ;首先要了解 Verbs of Sensation


Verbs of Sensation (知觉动词)

=  我们感官上的动词

比如 :-
see 看 , hear 听 , feel 感觉 , watch 看 , notice 注意 , observe 观察 , perceive 知觉 ,

(1) 动词(原本的字) = run , play ,..
(2) 动词+ing = run + ning (running) , play + ing (playing) ,..


I (saw) the thief (run / running) away.

She could (hear) her heart (beat / beating) wildly.

We listened to the band play /playing in the park.

I felt the house shake/shaking violently.

现在我们可以开始学 Gerunds , Participles , Infinitives 。我们先来学 Participles 。

有两种 Participles :Present participle 和 Past participle。

Present Participle
有放 ing 的就是 present participle, 如 sleeping, having, running....

(1) 我们可以用在“形容词”上
(a) He put some cotton wool on his (bleeding) knee.
(b) The (dying) man mumbled a few words.
(c) The (winning) story was written by a student.

(2) 我们可以用在 Verbs of Sensation。就是刚才我所讲过的。
(a) I could smell(嗅) the toast burning(焦)。
(b) Didn’t you hear(听) them gossiping(闲话) about us?
(c) She felt(感到) something crawling(爬) her back.

(3) 一个动作紧接另一个动作。

(a) Hearing a knock, I opened the door.

While I was hearing a knock, I opened the door.
它简化成 >>> Hearing a knock, I opened the door.

因为时代的步伐越来越快,什么都要快。所以人们把一切都要求清楚简单。所以繁体字改成简体字。同样的,英文的句子也是这样 ,While I was hearing a knock,太长太麻烦了,人们简化成 Hearing a knock。


(a) Walking home from school, I was chased by a dog.
(b) Seeing the dead man, she screamed.
(c) Looking up from his work, he stared at me.

有放 ed 的就是 past participle, 如 cheated, divided, walked。 还有一些特别的没有ed的,如 ran, broken, ate, threw, ....

(1) 我们可以用在“形容词”上

(a) Is he (annoyed) with us?
(b) The (wounded) soldier groaned in pain.
(c) The boys had to pay for the (broken) window.

(2) 一个动作紧接另一个动作。

(原本的句子)She was shocked by the news. She fainted.
(现在变成)>>> Shocked by the news, she fainted.

(原本的句子)Mr. Joseph was angered by his son’s rudeness. He slapped the boy.
(现在变成)>>> Angered by his son’s rudeness, Mr. Joseph slapped the boy.

(原本的句子)Ahmad was overjoyed at the success of his business. He treated his friends to be a grand dinner.
(现在变成) >>> Overjoyed at the success of his business, Ahmad treated his friends to be a grand dinner.



Infinitives就是有 to 的。

(1) forget, refuse, prepare, manage, decide, hope, 。。. 后面要加 to。

这一项不需要太认真,只要读过就行了。什么字后面要加 to ?以后你读的英文多了以后,自然而然就晓得什么字后面要加 to ,什么字后面不用。如果你死背某个字后面要加 to ,某些字后面不用加 to,背到最后只是两头空,因为很快就会忘记了。

(a) We have decided not to cancel the trip.
(b) The little girl refused to sing a song.
(c) The plane is preparing to take off.
(d) Daud hopes to win the competition.

(2) 动词和 to 中间可以加 me, him, her, the people 等等

(a) They persuaded me to go with them.
(b) The commander ordered his men to open fire.
(c) Yin Lee’s parents have advised her to study abroad.
(d) The owner allowed me to pick some of his mangoes.


(1)adjective/adverb + enough + to
(2)too + adjective/adverb + to

(a) Is the river clean enough to bathe in?  
(b) This jigsaw puzzle is too difficult for the child to play with.
(c) It is too soon for us to know the results of the experiment.

(4) how, what, which, 这些 indirect questions 后面要加 to

(a) Do you know how to get to this place?
(b) Please find out which workbook to buy.
(c) Can you show them what to do?

(5) 表达目的时,可以加 to

(a) He jogs around the field every morning to keep fit.
(b) She has gone to the church to pray.
(c) Mr. Sekaran punished his students to teach them a lesson.
(d) Many teenagers were at the airport to welcome the American movie stars.

没有加 to

(1) can, may, will, should, must, // make, let 后面没有加 to

(a) Did the sudden noise make you jump?
(b) My sister can recite the Koran very well.
(c) Please let me see the prisoner.
(d) We might go to the waterfall tomorrow.

(2) Verbs of sensation 没有加 to

(a) We saw the robbers escape in this direction.
(b) He felt the ant bite him.
(c) They watched the workers manufacture tyers.
(d) I heard her shout for help.



Gerunds 就是加 ing 。和 Present Participle 很像。没有必要把它们分开来,把两者当成一者来读。 把 Gerunds 和 Present Participle 当成一者来读。

(1) 什么是 Gerunds?就是加 ing 。它的用法就是用得像“名词”一样。怎么像名词呢?

China is a big country.
Smoking is bad for you.

看看这两个的句子结构,China 和 Smoking 都是名词。这就是为什么我说,它的用法就像名词一样。

(a) Swimming in the sea can be dangerous.
(b) Writing poetry keeps him busy during his leisure.
(c) Drinking too much liquor is not good for your heath.

像这一类型的句子, Swimming in the sea can be dangerous. 你也可以说
It can be dangerous to swim in the sea.。看你自己要选哪一种方式来讲,你自己喜欢。

可是你不可以说  To swim in the sea can be dangerous.。因为 To swim 不能成为 名词。

To swim in the sea, you have to be careful.
To tell the truth, I love you.
To begin with, he is too young.
To be frank with you, he is a liar.

为什么 To swim in the sea can be dangerous (错)
To swim in the sea, you have to be careful. (对)

因为 To swim in the sea, you have to be careful. 这个句子前面的部分要的是动词。而 To swim in the sea 是动词。所以放在这里就对了。

可是 To swim in the sea can be dangerous这个句子前面要的是名词,所以 To swim 就错了。


这些动词的句子,中间都有一个逗号。而且,逗号过后第一个字,就是 you, he, she, I, we, they, you,John。它们是由两个短句组成的。

这就是这一类型的句子的特征了。在这种前面部分是动词的句子,你可以用 To。

To swim in the sea, you have to be careful.
To tell the truth, I love you.
To begin with, he is too young.
To be frank with you, he is a liar.


(a) Swimming in the sea can be dangerous.
(b) Writing poetry keeps him busy during his leisure.
(c) Drinking too much liquor is not good for your heath.


(2) 有的 to 的后面用 ing。因为这些 to 是preposition。不是刚才所教过的 infinitive 。

可是我们的英语尚浅,要我们去分辨哪一个  to 是 preposition 或是 infinitive,简直难如登天,不用紧,我们把这几个字背起来就可以了。只要看到它们,在 to 后面就用 ing 。

(a) look forward to
(b) be used to ( be = is, am, are, was, were,..)
(c) The key to

(a) I look forward to meeting you.
(b) I am used to living here.
(c) The key to learning English is reading.

注意:be used to 和 used to 的分别

I am used to (playing) football. (我习惯玩足球)
I used to (play) football. (我过去习惯玩足球)


(3) Preposition 后面用 ing . Preposition = in, on, at, from, of, ...

(a) My sister is interested in learning how to knit.
(b) She was sorry for losing my book.
(c) They are fond of fishing at the lake.
(d) He bought the shirt without trying on.

(4) 有些字后面一定要用 ing 。这个要背了。讲错的话,在这些字后面加上 to 的话,马上就会被人认为英文很差了。

(a) He doesn’t (mind) being reminded of his past mistakes.
(b) Those boys (enjoy) teasing girls.
(c) He (finished) painting the picture in an hour.
(d) She (kept) interrupting our conversation.




要开始 Participle 之前,我要先解释 Pronouns ,以便在接下来的解释中比较容易进行。

Pronouns 有三种(不需要背下来,只需要知道它们都是 Pronouns 就行了):
第一种:He, She, It, I you, we, they, my father, John, ..

第二种:me, them, her, him, it, us, his cat, the ball, ..

第三种:mine, theirs, hers, his, ours,....


(1) 加 Pronouns

Having no more to say, the meeting was closed.

(Nobody) having anymore to say, the meeting was closed.


(a) (Nobody) having anymore to say, the meeting was closed.
(b) (All the money) having been spent, we started looking for work.
(c) A little girl walked past, (her doll) dragging behind her on the pavement.
(d) (Hands) held high, the dancers circle to the right.

(2) 加 preposition (on, in, at,..) 和 conjunction (when, before,..)

有些 Participle 的句子难以辨别其所表示的意思,加上 Preposition 和 conjunction 是为了更明确地表示 Participle 的句子的意思。

(a) (While fighting) in Korea, he was taken prisoner.
(b) He rarely makes mistakes (when writing) French.
(c) He will do it (if properly encouraged).
(d) (Though coming) home again, he was not happy.
(e) (On being) introduced, British people always shake hands.
(f) (After talking) to you, I always feel better.

(3) 含有 Participle 的 Idioms

Idioms 是惯用语的意思,什么是惯用语?惯用语就是通俗的用语,比较没有那么严肃,比较通俗易懂的。比方说,在我们华文,有“祝融肆虐”,“回禄之灾”,可是谁听得懂呢?你说“着火了”,“失火了”,每个人马上爬起来逃命。

face to face
time and time again
have a good time
look after
give up
carry on

有 Participle 的 Idioms(不用背,知道就好了):
Generally speaking (一般而言)
Strictly speaking (严格的说来)
Judging from (由~看来或判断)
Frankly speaking (坦白的说)
Speaking (or talking) of  (说到;谈到)
Considering (就~而论)
Take it for granted that (视为理所当然)
Provided that (假如)
Granted that (假定,即使)
Seeing that (既然,因为)
Roughly speaking (约略的说)

(a) Generally speaking, man is stronger than woman. (男人比女人强壮)
(b) Strictly speaking, he is not an artist.(严格的说来,他不是艺术家)
(c) Judging from this fact, he must be an honest man. (由这事实来判断,他必定是一位诚实的人)
(d) Frankly speaking, I don’t like her at all. (坦白的说,我一点也不喜欢她)
(e) Speaking (or Talking) of sports, I prefer baseball to tennis. (说起运动,我喜爱棒球胜过网球)

(4) Participle 做为 Object 的用法,( Object =后面的主角。I want to give him my car.。him 就是 object.)

I will have him repair my car.
I will have my car repaired by him.

I will get him to repair my car.
I will get my car repaired by him.

I want (or wish) you to finish it by tomorrow.
I want (or wish) it finished by you tomorrow.

(5) 刚才我们在 Infinitives 和 participle 读到的

To tell the truth(说实话)
Frankly speaking(坦白的说)


To tell the truth 或者凡是由 to 开头的句子,讲这种句子的人会比较急,情绪情况比较紧急紧张,所以在急时候人们会选用这个句子。

Frankly speaking 是比较轻松的,人们一面在喝茶一面吃茶点聊天八卦的时候,就用这种  ing 的句子。




English lesson 1

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