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[[资源推荐]] 雅思口语考试全解析

发表于 2008-1-8 22:34:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part 1
  在进行Part 1之前,考官会介绍自己并确认考生身份,然后打开录音机,报出考试名称、时间、地点等考试信息。考生可以利用这段时间尽快让自己熟悉考场环境,并稳定情绪。考试开始,考官会试着帮助考生克服紧张心理,因此通常以十分友好的方式开始提问,如:Good morning. My name is Andrew. Can you tell me your full name, please? What should I call you? OK, can I see your identification please? Nice day, isn’t it?...。
  接下来,在Part 1开头,你可能会被问到以下列出的至少一个话题:
  (表2 ) Part 1 一开始可能出现的话题
  Studies: Subjects studied, Why you’re studying, things you like/dislike about your course, what qualification you will gain, etc.
  Job: Main responsibilities of job, things you like/dislike about it, etc.
  Your name: who gave it to you, any special meaning, etc.
  Your family: family member, location and appearance of your family home, etc.
  Your hometown: where is it, notable features, weather, etc.
  (表3 ) Part 1 紧接着可能出现的综合性话题
  兴趣爱好:Hobbies and interests, shopping and fashion, reading, music and TV, sports and exercise, etc.
  地域文化:Holidays and Festivals, wedding, food, punctuality, transport, etc.
  语言学习:How long, most difficult aspect of language learning, etc.
  这部分有时也会出现与第三部分类似的、趋于抽象性的问题,如“What do you think about fashion?”或者“What can be done to improve public transport”等。但绝大部分问题都是考生相当熟悉的话题,考生应尽可能充分地回答考官的问题——即提供有效的额外信息,这样可以让考官对考生的口语能力有一个好印象。例如,考官问到你这个问题:
  Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  a) No.
  b) No. I’m the only child in my family. But I have three cousins that I grew up with, so I never felt lonely.
  What do you do in your free time?
  a) I like watching TV.
  b) I love to watch TV in my free time and ... I like celebrity talk shows most, ’coz you can always learn something from them.
  考官的问题:Do you want to learn a second foreign language other than English?
  a) 连接到其它信息:I’m planning to study French and go to France someday.
  b) 给出原因:I’m planning to study French because I feel it will be useful when looking for a job.
  c) 提供细节信息:I’m planning to study French which is such a beautiful language.
  d) 表达转折:I’m planning to study French though I’m having enough trouble with my English already.
  Part 2
  Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
   You should say:
   Who the teacher is
   What subjects he/she taught
   What was special about him/her
   And explain why the teacher influenced you so much.
  Mr.Chen Li/spirts/nice,national volleyball team/encourage students/interested in everyone/never give up
  The teacher that really influenced me a lot was Mr. Chen Li. He was the sports teacher when I was in high school.
  He was in his thirties at that time and I’d say all my classmates admired him because he was kind of hero to us and also because he was very nice. As far as I can remember, one thing that was special about him was that he’d been in the national volleyball team. I don’t think he ever actually won a medal or anything like that. But for us, just the fact that he used to represent our country was really something. Actually, he was a very good teacher, very responsible... and dedicated... you know.
  I guess the thing he taught me was kind of a fighting spirit. I mean he always encouraged us to do our best in sport, even if we were terrible at it. He used to say “It doesn’t matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best and keep going? He also taught us a lot about... health... and maintaining a positive attitude towards life. And compared to other teachers, he seemed to be more interested in everyone. Luckily, we still keep in touch and I often go to see him on holidays.
  考生说完后,考官会根据其所说内容提一两个追加问题(follow-up questions),如在所举例题中,考官可能会问:
  a) Do your classmates like Mr. Chen, too?
  b) How much time did you spend on sports classes every week in high school?
  下表是笔者为考生精心准备的Part 2常见话题汇总:
  (表4 ) Part 2 常见话题汇总
  family member, friends, film stars, sports star, nerghbor, leacher, happiest/successful person, child, a character in a TV program or a film
  rooms and buildings, a place you would like to visit, a natural beautiful place, lake or river, shop, supermarket
  a gift, an old object, an expensive thing you want to buy, a vehicle or bike you want to have, a card or letter, a way to relax, a special meal, a dish TV program, film, advertisement, abook, a website, a subject, newspapers or magazines
  sporting event, family event, wedding, long-distance trip, important change, happy event in your childhood, a story you heard when you were a child, first day in school/at work
  Part 3
  在Part 3中,考官会要求考生回答许多与Part 2话题有关的问题,可以说Part 3是Part 2的延伸,但是这一部分的问题又趋于宽泛、概括和学术化。第三部分的问题就形式而言,有很多是关于回顾过去、描述现在和展望未来的,如:
  How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
  做比较:How do the expectations of today’s school graduates compare with those of the previous generation?
  评价优缺点:How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?
  解决问题:What can be done to solve the problems in your educational system you mentioned just now?
  阐明标准:What qualities are required of a good teacher?
  The main advantage is that...
  But in my opinion the real disadvantage is that...
  One thing really positive about ... is that...
  On the other hand,
  具备了组织结构的基本技巧以后,考生还要准备一些必要的观点(idea),因为光有一个空架子是绝不能算言之有物(informative)的。观点可以来自于考生的常识,而考生也可以针对雅思的内容去网络上(如海外的新闻网站或搜索引擎google等)搜集素材,或者平时多关注一些英文报纸(如China Daily或21st Century等),以了解新时尚及新资讯,让自己的语言素材更加鲜活。那么Part 3最常考的主题是什么呢?其实它们也都是时下人们普遍关心的问题,大致可以分为这四类:
  (表5 ) Part 3 常考主题
  1. 科技对人类生活方式的影响
   Computer’s effects ,Communication tools, Internet
  2. 对待传统的态度
   Preserving traditions (architecture, handicraft, festivals, cooking, etc.) The importance of cultural events
  3. 社会问题及政府责任
   Education / Environment, wildlife conservation, pollution / Public transport / Celebrities?role in society / The ethics and qualities of journalism / Advertising / TV’s effects on children and family / Censorship
  4. 个人情感及人际关系
   Family, generation gap, friendship Human nature (happiness, etc.), older people and children Gender differences
  Part 3的具体问题可能纷繁复杂,但其背后的实质性问题绝大多数都可以在上表中反映出来。比如你在Part 2谈完自己喜欢的房间后,考官可能会在Part 3中问你Is it a good idea to work from home? 或者你在Part 2谈完自己想买的贵重物品后,考官在Part 3就可能问你What do you think of shopping online?不难发现,两个问题看似不一样,而实质都是在讲现代科技对人们生活方式的影响,因此探讨的角度和使用到的语言素材是大体相同的,都可以参考这样一个思路,如下表:
hat changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?

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