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[【其它】] Eric Alexander Quartet -《Gentle Ballads II 》慵懒午后/艾瑞克·四重奏/日版 /F

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发表于 2009-9-16 19:53:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Eric Alexander Quartet - Gentle Ballads II {Venus Japan VHCD-3002 HYPER MAGNUM SOUND MASTERING 24 bit}

艺术家:Eric Alexander Quartet - 专辑名称:Gentle Ballads II (2006)慵懒午后
音乐风格Jazz /爵士|发行时间: Venus Record, 2006 | FLAC/分轨 | Time: 01:04:48 | 418 mb
专辑名称:Gentle Ballads / 真我情怀
艺人姓名:Eric Alexander Quartet / 艾瑞克·亚历山大四重奏
发行厂牌:Venus Records

初听到这张唱片,你可能会以为这是哪位老先生的萨克斯风吹奏,但是萨克斯风手艾瑞克亚历山大其实还不到四十岁!出生于美国伊利诺伊州的艾瑞克于六岁开始学钢琴,九岁起吹单簧管,十二岁起改吹萨克斯风,深受Bebop 大师如柯川、帕克等人的影响。在Delmark、Milestone等唱片公司推出过几张个人专辑,并于超过七十张以上的唱片中担任演出后,他已经是当下最快速窜升的萨克斯风明星。在 Venus Records主持人强力催生下,他终于在日本灌录了这张情歌专辑。
  除了一首自写曲“Gently”外,本张专辑全部都是选录名家的作品。包括Duke Ellington的“Stormy Weather”、Billy Strayhorn的“Chelsea Bridge”、Lionel L. Hampton的“Midnight Sun”等等,都是资深爵士乐迷能够朗朗上口的佳曲。专辑首曲“The Midnight Sun Will Never Set”则是由Sarah Vaughan唱红的Quincy Jones经典曲目,在艾瑞克精采的诠释下,让人惊讶萨克斯风居然能够演奏出像人声般的丰富层次变化,让人心折。

已经是公认的萨克斯风抒情天王艾瑞克·亚历山大(Eric Alexander),年轻一辈的萨克斯风手能像他一样吹奏出这么浓郁音调的乐手,大概是不存在了。而这样浓烈的声响更是表现情歌的最佳方式,使得艾瑞克成为诠释爵士情歌的第一人。在上一张专辑“轻柔情歌”(Gentle Ballads)中的选曲着重在风格的多变与趣味性上,而这一张专辑的风格则统一与沉稳了许多,唯一没有改变的就是艾瑞克销魂蚀骨、让人融化的萨克斯风。

四重奏搭配的乐手中有他的老搭档鼓手Joe Farnsworth,钢琴手Mike LeDonne 与贝斯手John Webber,这些乐手的表现精采,适当的将音乐中的留白填满,让音乐听起来平衡饱满而不落俗套。

本专辑为Eric Alexander Quartet于2009年最新专辑,优雅婉转、销魂蚀骨,从专辑设计到录音灌制,都是不可多得的一部典型Venus类型的美艳作品。且听令人销魂蚀骨的萨克斯风、如何刻画出一场场动人的爱情场景。

In 2004, tenor saxophonist Eric Alexander recorded a smash hit album Gentle Ballads for Venus Records that earned Swing Journal's 2004 Jazz Disc Silver Award in Japan. What we have here is Gentle Ballads II, a second helping recorded two years later.

The band is the same and the concept is the same. What you get is a lot of wonderful tenor sax playing. What strikes me most is Alexander's great tone. It is strong and brawny, and supremely powerful. The recording captured this wonderful sound and put it center and forward.

If you are a fan of this instrument and well-played jazz ballads, you'll simply love this album. It's an album to listen to at night, preferably with your loved one at your side. Sit back with your favorite drink and let the warm sound of Alexander's tenor envelop you and intoxicate you.

Like its predecessor, Gentle Ballads, Gentle Ballads, Vol. 2 is another fairly low-key session led by Eric Alexander. Not only is the personnel identical (pianist Mike LeDonne, bassist John Webber, and drummer Joe Farnsworth), but the cover art once again features a nude photo by the late Jeanloup Sieff, quite possibly the same model from the same photo shoot. The tenor saxophonist mixes things up a bit more during this 2006 session, playing ballads that were hits for popular singers (\"Mona Lisa\" and \"I'm a Fool to Want You\"), 1960s Broadway (\"Who Can I Turn To\"), and 1960s pop (\"The Look of Love\"), in addition to the expected standards. Best are the deliberate take of Duke Ellington's timeless melancholy ballad \"I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)\" and a bluesy, loping treatment of Neal Hefti's \"Li'l Darlin',\" which became a signature piece for Count Basie. The John Coltrane influence is again apparent, though Alexander isn't a mere clone, even if this enjoyable date falls short of being groundbreaking.

Eric Alexander (tenor sax)
Mike LeDonne (piano)
John Webber (bass)
Joe Farnsworth (drums)

Recorded at The Studio in New York in March 2006 by Katherine Miller; Venus Hyper Magnum 24-bit mastering.

01. Mona Lisa
02. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)
03. Funny
04. I'm A Fool To Want You
05. Li'l Darlin'
06. LooK Of Love
07. My Ship
08. Who Can I Turn To
09. Time After Time

艾瑞克.亚历山大四重奏(Eric Alexander Quartet) - Gentle Ballads II_FLAC_慵懒午后_RF下载

艾瑞克.亚历山大四重奏(Eric Alexander Quartet) - Gentle Ballads II_FLAC_慵懒午后_NM下载


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